Five Walled Gardens: Why Browsers are Essential to the Internet and How Operating Systems Are Holding Them Back

Sept. 1, 2022
Competition / Internet health
walled garden


This report addresses two main themes: first, it presents research on consumer behavior with browsers, highlighting the dominance of pre-installed, default browsers that are challenging to change. Second, it discusses how operating systems influence browser usage, potentially hindering competition and innovation.

The report emphasizes the importance of competition in browsers and browser engines for advancing innovation, privacy, and security. It calls for regulations to ensure a level playing field for independent browsers and advocates for collaboration among stakeholders to promote competition, access, interoperability, privacy, and security on the internet. Mozilla's development of the Gecko browser engine is highlighted as a crucial effort to maintain diversity in browser engines, countering the dominance of a few major players. The report concludes by urging for action to address these issues and advocating for change to allow independent browsers to offer more to consumers.