Mozilla Festival is working closely with partners and allies, in solidarity, to collectively explore the core issues facing us today. One of our key partners for MozFest House Amsterdam in June is the Pulitzer Center, especially the work they are doing around reporting on AI with an accountability lens.

We have partnered with the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Network to bring together programming that is focused on journalism as a practice. This year’s global elections cycle coupled with the rise of AI threatening the integrity of journalism, we're partnering with media professionals to redefine the role of journalism and address the challenges posed by AI.

Journalism Sessions at MozFest House by the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Fellows:

Data and Diversity in AI

How does data collection impact different communities around the world? Who gets disproportionately harmed or left out? How does it affect elections? Join us to discuss how data shapes the lives of individuals and the outcomes of democratic elections.

Speakers: Joanna Kaoand Srishti Jaswal

Related Coverage by the fellows:

Blind Internet Users Struggle With Error-Prone AI Aids | Joanna Kao

The Data Collection App at the Heart of the BJP’s Indian Election Campaign | Srishti Jaswal

Investigating the Black Box

How do journalists find out how algorithms work? Are there other ways to improve the investigation methods?

Speakers: Pablo Jimenez Arandia, Karol Ilagan, and Federico Acosta Rainis, Pulitzer Center Data Specialist

Following the AI Supply Chain

AI is absolutely a global story, because AI crosses borders. In this session, we discuss ways in which AI Accountability Fellows track down AI supply chains for surveillance, intermediaries distributing micro work to gig workers training AI, and learning more about the labor conditions of humans behind the machines. We delve deeper into how AI work can be fair for all.

Speakers: Niamh McIntyre and Tatiana Dias

Related Coverage by the fellows:

Online Gig Work Is Feeding Russia’s Surveillance Machine | Niamh McIntyre

Paid Pennies To Train Tools of Repression: The Humans Behind Moscow’s State Surveillance | Niamh McIntyre
Underground Moderators: The Factory Floor of AI | Tatiana Dias (link in Portuguese)

In addition to these panels, Mozilla Foundation teams are collaborating with the Pulitzer Center team to run a workshop specifically catered to movement media journalists around Shifting Narratives. The purpose of the workshop is meant to equip and empower journalists to interrogate and investigate AI, and hold its makers accountable.

Join us at Mozilla Festival House Amsterdam from June 11-13 at the Tolhuistuin. We will be exploring the role of journalism and investigating the impact of AI across multiple industries and movements.

About The Author

Zeina Abi Assy is the Head of Curation at Mozilla Festival. She is a cultural curator, writer, designer, and educator based in NY.

MozFest is part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. To learn more, visit

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