You might have noticed we’ve been talking more and more about the problem of misinformation lately. That’s because it’s getting worse, not better. It’s time to act!
From measles outbreaks around the world worsened by misinformation about vaccines to people around the world worried about the integrity of their elections, misinformation is eroding trust in information and hurting us all.
What can we all do? Education is a place to start. Real change requires action. Mozilla does both. Fighting back against misinformation is a huge task. We’re up for it, but we need the resources to keep fighting. Can you donate to support us stay in this fight?
Your generous donation today will help do the following:
- Fund the Experts:
We fund global experts leading the battle on this issue. Mozilla Fellows Renée DiResta and Camille Francois help uncover the issues around misinformation and put solutions in motion to fight the problem. With your help, we can continue supporting these and other global experts. - Hold Platforms Accountable:
Our European misinformation campaign called for greater transparency around political ad tracking by Google and Facebook before the European elections in May. The situation is now better than it was. However, companies still have a lot to do to make sure upcoming elections are transparent and protected from interference. With your help, we will keep the pressure on companies to do better. - Educate the Public:
The series of emails we recently sent about misinformation is one of many ways Mozilla works to educate the public. With your help, Mozilla can invest in cool and important projects to educate and potentially head off threats on the internet. We’ve got a project soon to be underway to do an online interactive series on Deep Fakes -- video forgeries that make people appear to be doing or saying things they didn't.
Misinformation is a growing problem. Your donation keeps us at the forefront of the fight on important issues like this one. Will you give today?