Nabiha Syed, Executive Director

Angela Plohman, Chief Operating Officer

Dayo Lamolo, VP of Strategic Communications

Amanda Lee Gaffar, Executive Program Manager

Andrew Gruen, Director, Planning & Special Projects

D'Andre Walker, Senior Counsel

Kara Niles, Director, Institutional Partnerships

Kristen Spangler, Senior Director, Finance & Administration

Lindsey Dodson, Senior Program Lead

Michael Whitney, Director, Digital Engagement

Nicholas Piachaud, Director, Campaigns

Shing Suiter, Senior Director, Technology Platforms

Steven Azeka, Program Lead, Responsible Computing Challenge

Mitchell Baker, Chair

Brian Behlendorf

Helen Turvey

Nicole Wong

Amy Keating

Mark Surman

Alondra Nelson

Edwin Macharia

Raffi Krikorian

Zain Habboo

Wambui Kinya

Navrina Singh

Cathy Davidson

Joi Ito

Mitch Kapor

Ronaldo Lemos

Bob Lisbonne

Mohamed Nanabhay
Mozilla's Board of Directors also serve on committees or work with senior staff on special projects. Committees exist for:
- Audit which includes Brian Behlendorf and Nicole Wong;
- Diversity and inclusion which includes Helen Turvey, Mark Surman and Nicole Wong;
- Finance, investment and compensation which includes Brian Behlendorf & Helen Turvey; and
- Programs which includes Amy Keating, Helen Turvey, Nicole Wong and Mark Surman.
More information about the Mozilla Foundation's team, plans and activities is available on the public community wiki.
The Mozilla Foundation is a California non-profit corporation exempt from Federal income taxation under IRC 501(c)(3). It is governed by its Board of Directors and guided by the principles of the Mozilla Manifesto.