

aadhaar image

India's National Registration System

Aadhaar is the Indian resident biometric identity database, which the Government of India is increasingly making mandatory for nearly all government services and many private transactions. The 12 digit unique identification number is paired with a user’s biometric and demographic data, and is now required for individuals to use and access vital government services.

It’s touted aim when it started was as a voluntary project to ensure that government welfare schemes and subsidies reached their intended recipients efficiently and without duplication, but not only is it disrupting welfare, it is fast becoming a surveillance system that threatens users and companies – all with insufficient privacy protections or transparency.

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aadhaar image

India's National Registration System

Aadhaar is the Indian resident biometric identity database, which the Government of India is increasingly making mandatory for nearly all government services and many private transactions. The 12 digit unique identification number is paired with a user’s biometric and demographic data, and is now required for individuals to use and access vital government services.

It’s touted aim when it started was as a voluntary project to ensure that government welfare schemes and subsidies reached their intended recipients efficiently and without duplication, but not only is it disrupting welfare, it is fast becoming a surveillance system that threatens users and companies – all with insufficient privacy protections or transparency.