It's time for India to have a strong privacy and data protection law

The revelations have been damning – Cambridge Analytica, a private company, has claimed to have profiled every adult in the United States, and who knows how many others around the world. They leveraged sensitive data of Facebook users and their friends without their knowledge.

This is worrying, but there is hope.

India has a unique opportunity to ensure that the privacy of citizens is protected. As you read this, a government appointed committee is drafting India’s first ever privacy and data protection law, and we need to ensure that it’s robust and protects the rights of citizens.

We’re calling on the Justice Srikrishna Committee to come up with a strong law that puts your privacy and data first.

Will you join the call for a strong privacy and data protection law too?

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The revelations have been damning – Cambridge Analytica, a private company, has claimed to have profiled every adult in the United States, and who knows how many others around the world. They leveraged sensitive data of Facebook users and their friends without their knowledge.

This is worrying, but there is hope.

India has a unique opportunity to ensure that the privacy of citizens is protected. As you read this, a government appointed committee is drafting India’s first ever privacy and data protection law, and we need to ensure that it’s robust and protects the rights of citizens.

We’re calling on the Justice Srikrishna Committee to come up with a strong law that puts your privacy and data first.

Will you join the call for a strong privacy and data protection law too?