If you're more the sporty type or if you just don't like wearing big, over the ear headphones, these little earbuds might be for you. They do all the things: noise cancelling, custom sound levels for music, multiple microphones for calls, filtering out noise, and listening for you to ask Alexa, Siri, or Google to play that next song with 25-hours of battery life. All shoved right into your ears. These earbuds are truly small, truly wireless, and truly easy to lose.
Was könnte passieren, wenn etwas schiefgeht?
Jabra does a great job with privacy and security because they are old school. They sell hardware. Not you. This means they don't collect any personal information on you. And they don't share data with third-parties or sell it ever. They even have two privacy policies. One is a general statement of privacy and one covers their app. Good work Jabra!
Kann es mich ausspionieren?
Gerät: Nein
App: Nein
Gerät: Ja
App: Ja
Verfolgt den Standort
Gerät: Nein
App: Ja
Was kann zur Registrierung verwendet werden?
Welche Daten sammelt das Unternehmen?
No personal information is collected by Jabra.
Wie nutzt das Unternehmen die Daten?
Wie können Sie Ihre Daten kontrollieren?
Wie ist das Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit mit den Daten über seine Verbraucher umgegangen?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
Kann dieses Produkt offline genutzt werden?
Benutzerfreundliche Informationen zum Datenschutz?
Links zu Datenschutzinformationen
Erfüllt dieses Produkt unsere Mindestsicherheitsstandards?
Uses encryption for the Bluetooth.
Sicheres Passwort
The device pairs securely via Bluetooth, which does not require a password.
Releases new firmware and enables the user to update their device via our app.
Umgang mit Schwachstellen
The company has a general privacy policy, and there is another privacy policy for the app. Location access is required to connect the app to the headphones.
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