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Tips for Safer Back-To-School Shopping: Your Kids Tech Privacy Cheat Sheet
While you’re busy back-to-school prepping, perusing your kid's tech for privacy can be overwhelming. Here are our top tips to make it easy.
Your Driving Data for the Price of a Gumball: What We Learned From Two US Senators' Bonkers New Letter to the FTC
GM, Hyundai, and Honda admitted to selling your driving data to a data broker for pennies. Senators Wyden and Markey are telling the FTC.
How to Protect Your Privacy From ChatGPT and Other AI Chatbots
Do AI chatbots spook your privacy spidey sense? You’re not alone! Here’s how you can protect more of your privacy while using ChatGPT and other AI chatbots.
AT&T Had a Huge Data Breach: Here’s What You Need to Know
AT&T doesn't guarantee the safety of their customers' personal data (no company can!), but it's not just their customers that may be impacted by this breach.
CEOs der Autofirmen beantworten schwierige Fragen zu Autos und Datenschutz ... irgendwie
Es wäre übertrieben zu sagen, dass sie die kniffligen Fragen des US-Senators Ed Markey „beantwortet“ haben. Aber wir haben sie trotzdem durchforstet, um zu teilen, was wir gelernt haben.
Datenhungrige Dating-Apps sind für Ihre Privatsphäre schlimmer denn je
Ihr Geld oder Ihre Privatsphäre? Im Jahr 2024 wollen die meisten Dating-Apps beides. Und es gibt immer noch keine Garantie, dass Ihre sensiblen Informationen sicher aufbewahrt werden.
Thanks to US Senator Markey, Car Brands Have to Answer to the FTC
From local news outlets, podcasts, and TV to... the FTC?! Citing our research, US Senator Markey calls for an investigation into cars and privacy.
Romantische KI-Chatbots kümmert Ihre Privatsphäre herzlich wenig
Toll! Beziehungs-Chatbots sind auf neue seltsame Weise schlecht für Ihre Privatsphäre und auf die alte Art ebenso schlecht für Ihre Privatsphäre.
Our 2023 Nice List: We See You, Good-At-Privacy Connected Products!
These brands profit from the money you pay them for their products, instead of the data they take from you. Gee whiz! What’s the opposite of coal?
US Senator Markey Has Some Serious Questions for Car Companies
Like us, Senator Markey had a lot of questions (and some demands) after reading our research. And unlike our emails, we're pretty sure these will get answered.