Are you annoyed that AirTags don't have a little hole in them that you can loop your keyring through? Well, then, the Chipolo ONE Spot is for you! With it, Chipolo says, you can ~spot~ your items anytime. It works exactly the same as an AirTag and on the same Apple Find My network, but does have some minor differences. The hole!, for one. Besides that, its little "hey I'm over here!" alarm is louder. And its tracking is also slightly less precise. All in all, for an AirTag alternative, it's pretty similar to the real deal. Oh and, you should know that Chipolo makes a card-shaped one too, called the Chipolo CARD Spot, which might come in handy if you leave your wallet on the subway. How is this for privacy? Well, since is only uses the Apple Find My app, not the Chipolo app, it's pretty much the same for privacy as Apple's Airtags..which mean, pretty OK.
Was könnte passieren, wenn etwas schiefgeht?
The Chipolo ONE Spot helps you track stuff far and wide, outside of Bluetooth range using Apple's "Find My" network. Quick privacy PSA: With anywhere-tracking, you might be tempted to track down your stolen stuff on your own, Batman-style. Please don't do that. Mostly, it's dangerous. But also, you could end up harassing an innocent person.
Now, with great network range comes great responsibility. A reminder, the Chipolo ONE Spot only works on the Apple Find My app, not on the Chipolo app and only if you have an iPhone or iPad. These puppies, just like Apple's Airtags, don't work on Android devices. So, most of this review will be about the privacy of Apple's Find My app their Airtags work on. Here's hoping that's not confusing (we admit, we were confused at first).
The biggest concern with Apple's own AirTag trackers when they came out earlier in 2021 was whether they could be abused for stalking. Unfortunately, they could and they are. It's a serious problem that applies to all trackers that use large networks. Now, most trackers on the market, including Chipolo, added an Unwanted Tracking Protection feature that tells users how to find and disable unwanted trackers that may be following them around without their consent. Is it enough? Probably not. Despite Apple taking steps to mitigate these concerns with updates to the Find My network that make it easier to know if an unknown tracker is traveling with you, they’re still not perfect.
Indeed, AirTags keep popping up in very sad news stories -- involving intimate partner homicide, vigilante justice -- and are currently the subject of a class action lawsuit because bad actors keep using them to track humans. Chipolo ONE Spot trackers raise all the same concerns. The main difference between the two trackers seems to be that Chipolo’s tracking isn’t as precise as AirTags’ (because they don’t support “ultra-wideband technology”) which either makes them somehow less creepy or just worse to use depending on who you ask.
There is hope though, that all large-network trackers will soon be less able to track people without their consent. In May 2023, Google and Apple announced that they’re teaming up to draft stronger industry-wide Bluetooth tracker safety standards that will *fingers crossed* put an end to tracker-enabled stalking. In the meantime, it looks like Android is holding off on rolling out its own Find My Device network tracking products (like the upcoming Chipolo ONE Point) until the joint protections are created and released. Good call.
Back to Chipolo's privacy practices. Chipolo doesn't collect or process data for the ONE Spot trackers, that data goes straight to Apple. And Apple's privacy policy says they can collect things like name, email address, age, location, device information, contact information, and more on you when you use their products and services. The good news is, Apple says they treat all this information as personal information. So, things like device ID and the like are treated as securely as your name and age. That’s good. And Apple says they don’t share or sell your data, which is also good. They do say they can share your data with some third parties such as business partners, service providers, and others as you give your permission. For the most part, this sharing looks pretty normal for the services they provide.
So what’s the worst that could happen? It's simple. A Chipolo ONE Spot tracker could be used to stalk an unsuspecting person, putting them in danger. This is the scary reality of our world with small, cheap tracking devices tied into a network of millions of connected devices. People, please don't stalk other people! It's the creepiest of the creepy and nobody likes it.
Tipps zu Ihrem Schutz
- Check the tips on how to know if someone is tracking you without your consent.
- Do not sign up with third-party accounts. Better just log in with email and strong password.
- Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless neccessary)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data.
- When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible."
Kann es mich ausspionieren?
Gerät: Nein
App: Nein
Gerät: Nein
App: Nein
Verfolgt den Standort
Gerät: Ja
App: Ja
Was kann zur Registrierung verwendet werden?
iPhone or iPad is needed
Welche Daten sammelt das Unternehmen?
Data is collected by Apple: Email address, age, name, email address, physical address, phone number, or other contact information are needed to set up the Apple account. Location is collected from the device itself
Wie nutzt das Unternehmen die Daten?
Wie können Sie Ihre Daten kontrollieren?
Wie ist das Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit mit den Daten über seine Verbraucher umgegangen?
In July 2023, Apple and Amazon were fined by Spain antitrust watchdog.
In January 2023, Apple was fined €8M in French privacy case.
In 2022, Apple identified and patched serious security vulnerabilities, one that could allow hackers take full control of iOS devices.
In 2022, Apple allegedly gave user data to hackers who faked being law enforcement and forged requests for information.
In 2021, Apple had a recent serious spyware security vulnerability called Pegaus that infected iPhones and other Apple devices.
In 2021, a major data leak was reported of 61 million fitness tracker data records, including Apple's Healthkit data, by the third party company GetHealth. In September 2021, a group of security researchers discovered GetHealth had an unsecured database containing over 61 million records related to wearable technology and fitness services. GetHealth accessed health data belonging to wearable device users around the world and leaked it in an non-password protected, unencrypted database. The list contained names, birthdates, weight, height, gender, and geographical location, as well as other medical data, such as blood pressure.
Informationen zum Datenschutz bei Kindern
Kann dieses Produkt offline genutzt werden?
Benutzerfreundliche Informationen zum Datenschutz?
Links zu Datenschutzinformationen
Erfüllt dieses Produkt unsere Mindestsicherheitsstandards?
Sicheres Passwort
Umgang mit Schwachstellen
Manage security vulnerabilities. Bug bounty is in the process of creation. "We can easily be reached via our support channels at support.chipolo.net or via our privacy email - [email protected]."
Tauchen Sie tiefer ein
Use ‘Find My’ phone apps. But don’t trust them.The Washington Post
I found my stolen Honda Civic using a Bluetooth tracker. It’s the latest controversial weapon against theft.The Washington Post
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AirTag vs. Tile Mate vs. Chipolo ONE Spot: Which should you buy?iGeeksBlog
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