Dyson Pure Cool

Aviso: *Privacidade não incluída neste produto

Dyson Pure Cool

WiFi Bluetooth

Data da avaliação: 2 de Novembro de 2020

A Mozilla investigou por 0 hora

Opinião da Mozilla

Votos das pessoas: Razoavelmente assustador
Let's face it. One of the worst parts of 2020 has been the air. If a deadly virus isn't floating around in it, smoke from climate change fueled wildfires is. Our lungs need a break! Then you go check out Dyson's website for their fancy and expensive air purifiers and they remind you that the air in your home is likely five times more polluted than the air outside. Well, damn. So you plunk down $600 for you lungs and now you are able to constantly monitor the air quality in your house through the Dyson app on your phone. Are you better off? Who knows? But the air likely isn't getting better anytime soon, so hey, breathe easy while you can.

O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?

Probably not a lot will go wrong with this smart air purifier, we hope. But we can't tell for sure. Dyson does say they may share shares limited personal data with social media platforms and third party data providers and analytics companies for marketing purposes, which doesn't worry us too much. Is it possible this air purifier could tell from your the contents of the air in your home that you've been smoking pot? Not likely says Dyson, "Pure Cool can identify general pollutant types, like smoke, it can’t “tell the chemical composition.” Unfortunately, we couldn't determine if this product mets our Minimum Security Standards because the company didn't respond to us. So we don't know what measures they take to protect their users. Not knowing that, we have to warn this product could come with *Privacy Not Included
  • mobile

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Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Não


Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Não

Rastreia localização

Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Sim

O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?

Que dados a empresa coleta?

Como a empresa usa esses dados?

Dyson shares limited personal data with social media platforms and third party data providers and analytics companies for marketing purposes.

Como você pode controlar seus dados?

You can request that your data be deleted.

Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Este produto pode ser usado offline?


Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?


Links para informações de privacidade

Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança? informações




Senha forte


Atualizações de segurança

Não foi possível determinar

Gerencia vulnerabilidades


Dyson has a bug bounty program, which means that anyone who finds a security issue and discloses it responsibly may get paid. https://hackerone.com/dyson?type=team

Política de privacidade


O produto usa inteligência artificial? informações


*Privacidade não incluída

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