Every year Mozilla gathers technologists, educators, activists, researchers, artists, and young people together for a week of exploring, learning, and hacking for a healthier internet at MozFest. This year we’re meeting in London from 21-27 October.

At MozFest, you’ll discover new tech, wild ideas, and inspiring stories in over 300 interactive sessions, workshops and art installations. You’ll share your brilliant ideas to make the internet healthier, and fuel your work with new collaborations and connections. Our MozFest weekend program is designed and curated by Mozilla community members from across disciplines and around the world, reflecting a global, vibrant movement for internet health.

Born in Barcelona in 2010, MozFest has grown and evolved every year since, shaped by the emerging challenges, issues, and opportunities for the open web. And we’re always expanding to welcome new communities and perspectives. Since 2017 we’ve structured the Festival around the core internet health issues, web literacy, digital inclusion, privacy and security, decentralisation, and openness. At this year’s very special 10th anniversary Festival, we’re pulling out all the stops to celebrate the tools, art, and community we’ve built together in the past decade. We’ve even written a book about it! All participants at this year’s festival will get a free copy.

Our 2019 Festival theme is Healthy AI. Join us at MozFest to explore how machines are making decisions for us now, and what AI advances are on the horizon. Together we’ll brainstorm ways to bring more social responsibility, ethics, and user agency to AI. You’ll find this theme reflected throughout the week, in meet-ups and workshops at MozFest house, and in talks and sessions across the Festival Weekend.

Visit the Mozilla Festival website for a schedule of sessions and workshops; take a look at our 2019 Dialogues & Debates speakers series line up, and check out D&D highlights from previous years. There’s much more about the program and the community members who designed it on the MozFest blog. And, of course, don’t forget to buy your tickets to the 2019 Festival!
Can’t make it to London? Follow the #MozFest and @MozillaFestival on Twitter for highlights from sessions and workshops. And visit mozillafestival.org 26-27 October for a live stream of the Dialogue and Debates speakers series.