Artie 3000 is a little robot designed to help teach kids to code. It's marketed to parents and educators as an"award-winning coding robot." With built-in local WiFi, a variety of coding apps, remote control, and even the ability to draw, Artie sounds pretty darn fun and it's got the STEM learning chops many parents are looking for. And good news, Artie 3000 is pretty 100 at privacy too!
What could happen if something goes wrong?
Artie 3000, are you a visitor from a planet where privacy is paramount? It’s hard to imagine what could go wrong with this adorable coding robot. Artie 3000 doesn’t collect data of any kind, so no worries there. And with Artie’s built-in local WiFi, it doesn’t connect directly to the internet. One security researcher found Artie very safe. He did point out it could be possible, although very very unlikely, that Artie could be used to deliver malware. He said it was much more likely Artie 3000 would be used to plant the seed of curiosity for coding in future generations.
Here's what Artie 300 says on their website, "Artie 3000 is inherently designed to be one of the safest and most secure coding robots on the market. When it comes to Artie 3000 there is no Wi-Fi or log-in required. In fact, Artie 3000 never connects to the internet. As there is only a one way transmission of data from the user to the product Artie 3000 does not collect data of any kind. " Yay!
We don't think much could go wrong with Artie besides maybe getting permanent marker on your kitchen table. Check those marker labels, people! And we're all for teaching kids to code at a young age if they're interested. All in all, we think Artie 3000 seems like a pretty good bot. So go on, have an Artie party!
Tips to protect yourself
- Enjoy Artie 3000 with you kids!
Can it snoop on me?
Device: No
App: N/A
Device: No
App: N/A
Tracks location
Device: No
App: N/A
What can be used to sign up?
Third-party account
No sign up, it is plug & play
What data does the company collect?
No personal information is collected.
Body related
How does the company use this data?
How can you control your data?
What is the company’s known track record of protecting users’ data?
No known incidents in the last 3 years.
Can this product be used offline?
Artie 3000 never connects to the internet.
User-friendly privacy information?
Links to privacy information
Does this product meet our Minimum Security Standards?
No internet connection, thus no need to encrypt data flows
Strong password
Security updates
Manages vulnerabilities
Privacy policy
Dive Deeper
Hacking Christmas Gifts: Artie Drawing RobotTripwire
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