With new artificial intelligence technologies rapidly developing, non-profits, policymakers and industry are all exploring frameworks for building healthy, human-focused AI. In an effort to advance conversations about what trustworthy AI could look like, Mozilla is collaborating with The Worker Agency to launch a campaign to help computer science students recognize the key role they can play shaping emerging technologies.

On college campuses and at university recruiting fairs, students are already asking tech companies – possibly their future employers – tough questions. They’re questioning the ethics of facial recognition, drone targeting programs, and data mining practices. Mozilla hopes to add to these conversations by creating the space for students to raise concerns and identify what information they need to shape their career choices. As part of the project, Mozilla will connect students with leaders in the field who are exploring ethical AI frameworks, developing effective ways for tech workers to advocate for human-focused technologies, and confronting projects they deem unethical. Finally, students will be connected to others outside of their campuses who want to support their efforts in building healthier AI.

This project is adjacent to, but independent of, the Responsible CS Challenge, which supports the conceptualization, development, and piloting of curricula that integrate ethics with undergraduate computer science training. The challenge aims to educate a new wave of engineers who bring holistic thinking to the design of technology products.

If we support students to pursue their passions while remaining committed to their values, we believe the next wave of tech workers will harness their talents for good and help build a more human-centric technological future.

To learn more about the project, contact [email protected]