The Felik Pet Companion is what happens when three guys in Seattle who love pets decide to find a way to keep your kitty or puppy occupied when you're off doing hooman things. Felik is a little mouse-shaped bot that uses a camera and artificial intelligence to track your pets, learn from their movem ents, and react to how they hunt so it can simulate real prey. Cool! Felik connects to the WiFI in your house and has an app where you can schedule play throughout the day so when you're away, this little mousebot can play.
Was könnte passieren, wenn etwas schiefgeht?
We love this little robot companion for your furry family member. We do. These three guys in Seattle seem to try and take privacy and security seriously and have some cool features built in to Felik, like the ability to toggle WiFi on and off with a physical button, a indicator light when the camera is streaming, and even and on-device firewall. And it's awesome users can request an explanation about any decisions taken as a results of the artificial intelligence Felix uses by contacting the company. Good work three guys in Seattle!
Kann es mich ausspionieren?
Gerät: Ja
App: Nein
Gerät: Ja
App: Nein
Verfolgt den Standort
Gerät: Nein
App: Ja
Was kann zur Registrierung verwendet werden?
Welche Daten sammelt das Unternehmen?
None (only infrastructure and analytics data)
Wie nutzt das Unternehmen die Daten?
Wie können Sie Ihre Daten kontrollieren?
Wie ist das Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit mit den Daten über seine Verbraucher umgegangen?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
Kann dieses Produkt offline genutzt werden?
Benutzerfreundliche Informationen zum Datenschutz?
Links zu Datenschutzinformationen
Erfüllt dieses Produkt unsere Mindestsicherheitsstandards?
Sicheres Passwort
Umgang mit Schwachstellen
Felik doesn't have an official bug bounty program, but it invites responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities.
Users can request an explanation about any decisions taken as a results of automated decision-making by contacting Felix.
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