Whistle Go Pet Tracker

Whistle Go Pet Tracker

WiFi Bluetooth

Data da avaliação: 2 de Novembro de 2020

A Mozilla investigou por 0 hora

Opinião da Mozilla

Votos das pessoas: Razoavelmente assustador
Have you ever thought, "I need a fitness tracker for my dog?!" If so, the Whistle Go or Whistle Go Explore are for you. This little doohickey attaches to your dog's collar and lets you track where she is while also monitoring her activity. It combines GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular tech to track your pup at all times, alert you if she leaves a "safe area", and lets you know if she is getting enough exercise. It even monitors if you pup is licking, scratching, or sleeping too much. You'll love it. Your dog is likely to find it pretty creepy.

O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?

All that current and historical personal location information this tracker collects on you and your pup can be used by the company to send you offers and promotions from third parties in order to target you with advertising. So if you visit one of those big box stores with your pup, that could mean lots of ads following you around from that big box store after. Another thing to consider, this device uses all the tracking and connection tech — GPS, cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. That's a lot of connectivity. As the company says, "Know more than ever about your best friend." That could turn creepy if someone with bad intentions wanted to know more about you.
  • mobile

Pode me bisbilhotar? informações


Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Sim


Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Sim

Rastreia localização

Dispositivo: Sim

Aplicativo: Sim

O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?

Que dados a empresa coleta?

Como a empresa usa esses dados?

Whistle can share your current and historical personal location information to send you offers and promotions from trusted third parties. Aggregate information shared with third parties.

Como você pode controlar seus dados?

Their privacy says you can request your data be deleted. Emails sent to [email protected] bounced. Whistle has now fixed this as a result of our outreach to them.

Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Este produto pode ser usado offline?


Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?


Links para informações de privacidade

Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança? informações




Encrypts data in transit and at rest.

Senha forte


Atualizações de segurança


Gerencia vulnerabilidades


Whistle uses third party security services to perform routine security assessments at predefined intervals. It also utlizes its beta client pool to receive and address bugs.

Política de privacidade


Webpage links to a different privacy policy for Mars (https://www.mars.com/privacy). An email sent to [email protected] bounced.

O produto usa inteligência artificial? informações


*Privacidade não incluída


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