Ensure the FCC restores net neutrality: Call your senators

There is a critical Senate vote coming to confirm two nominees for FCC commissioner. Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn are fierce advocates for net neutrality and both have strong track records of acting in the best interests of the web.

Thank you so much for calling your Senators to support Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn. When you’re connected, you can use this script below to guide you, but it’s always best to speak in your own voice. Thank you so much for calling your Senators to support Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn. When you’re connected, you can use this script below – or modify it to your voice.

Hello - my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m calling from [YOUR TOWN, YOUR STATE] to voice support for Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn to be confirmed to the FCC.

Now more than ever, we need to expand broadband access and ensure the internet is open, consumers are in control of the content in their homes, and that families can afford internet access. Can I count on [SENATOR NAME] to vote to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn?

Thank you for your time.

Call your senators

Enter your phone number to receive a call from the system that will connect you to your senators, or simply dial 202-519-0559 and then use the script on the left.

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There is a critical Senate vote coming to confirm two nominees for FCC commissioner. Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn are fierce advocates for net neutrality and both have strong track records of acting in the best interests of the web.

Thank you so much for calling your Senators to support Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn. When you’re connected, you can use this script below to guide you, but it’s always best to speak in your own voice. Thank you so much for calling your Senators to support Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn. When you’re connected, you can use this script below – or modify it to your voice.

Hello - my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m calling from [YOUR TOWN, YOUR STATE] to voice support for Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn to be confirmed to the FCC.

Now more than ever, we need to expand broadband access and ensure the internet is open, consumers are in control of the content in their homes, and that families can afford internet access. Can I count on [SENATOR NAME] to vote to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn?

Thank you for your time.