
Attention : *Confidentialité non incluse avec ce produit


Passé en revue le : 12 février 2021

Mozilla a effectué 6 heures de recherches

L’avis de Mozilla :

Vote du public : Moyennement flippant

Launched in 2015, Salams (formerly known as Minder) is a dating app targeted at Muslim men and women looking for other Muslim people to date. Free to sign up and message members who you match with, users have to buy Telegrams, sold in packs of three or ten, to message members they haven't matched with. With around 350,000 users worldwide, the app allows people to target specific Muslim affiliations such as Sunni, Shia, or "Just Muslim" as part of their search. Billed as both a dating and marriage app, Salams does seem to place some priority on privacy, with a blurred photo option and a stealth mode that allows users to choose who can see their profile. A phone number or Facebook account is require to sign up.

Que pourrait-il se passer en cas de problème ?

Good for Salams for coming out right at the top of their privacy policy and telling users they never sell your data and they never will. That's nice to see. They also say the strive to be transparent in how they process your data. This one we're a little skeptical about. They allow users to sign in with their Facebook login, yet no where in the privacy policy do they state what information they might be collecting on your from Facebook or vice versa. Remember, when you connect a social media account like Facebook to Salams, both Facebook and Salams may now potentially collect more information together. That's why we recommend users don't link your dating app to Facebook. Still, it's good to remember that Salams collects a lot of personal information on its users, including things like prayer levels, Islamic priorities, and smoking habits. In 2017, a security researcher discovered a vulnerability that could have leaked all a lot of personal information on Salams users. What's the worst that could happen? It can be dangerous for Muslim women to reveal much about their dating and sex lives, so the worst case scenario feels like it could be pretty bad.

  • mobile

Ce produit peut-il m’espionner ? informations


Appareil : Ne s’applique pas

Application : Oui


Appareil : Ne s’applique pas

Application : Oui

Piste la géolocalisation

Appareil : Ne s’applique pas

Application : Oui

Que peut-on utiliser pour s’inscrire ?

Quelles données l’entreprise collecte-t-elle ?

Comment l’entreprise utilise-t-elle les données ?

Salams does not sell their users’ personal data. They do share de-identified data with advertising partners and third parties for analytics purposes. We were unable to tell how they share data with Facebook.

Comment pouvez-vous contrôler vos données ?

EU users can request a copy of their personal data, as well as the deletion of their data by filling in the form Residents of California can request a notice for Salams to disclose the categories of personal information that they have shared with third-parties by emailing [email protected]

Quel est l’historique de l’entreprise en matière de protection des données des utilisateurs et utilisatrices ?


A large-scale vulnerability was identified by security researchers in December, 2017. Data made potentially accessible to all Minder users included: Full name; DOB; Exact location (GPS coordinates); Phone number; Email; Instagram account ID and access token; Facebook account ID and access token.

Ce produit peut-il être utilisé hors connexion ?


Informations relatives à la vie privée accessibles et compréhensibles ?


Liens vers les informations concernant la vie privée

Ce produit respecte-t-il nos critères élémentaires de sécurité ? informations



Impossible à déterminer

We were unable to determine if they use encryption to protect users' personal information, chats, photos, and more.

Mot de passe robuste

Ne s’applique pas

Password wasn't requires as login happens either via phone or third-party

Mises à jour de sécurité


Gestion des vulnérabilités


Salams' Privacy Policy states that "We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices to update our physical, technical and organizational security measures."

Politique de confidentialité


Le produit utilise-t-il une IA ? informations

Impossible à déterminer

Cette IA est-elle non digne de confiance ?

Impossible à déterminer

Quel genre de décisions l’IA prend-elle à votre sujet ou pour vous ?

L’entreprise est-elle transparente sur le fonctionnement de l’IA ?

Impossible à déterminer

Les fonctionnalités de l’IA peuvent-elles être contrôlées par l’utilisateur ou l’utilisatrice ?

Impossible à déterminer

*Confidentialité non incluse

Pour aller plus loin

  • Large Vulnerability in Minder Potentially Compromised a Quarter Million Users Data
    Mohammed Davooodi on Medium Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • Minder Review February 2021
    Dating Scout Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet
  • A 'halal' app for dirty fantasies: How 'Tinder for Muslims' is also feeding fetishes far removed from its original intent
    First Post Le lien s’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet


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