The AI Cosmologies Experience’s week-long programme is truly a mini-festival within MozFest offering 20+ Interactive Discussions, Workshops, and Art & Media installations from global contributors who were moved to cosmic companionship by our call for proposals. Also unfolding over the week is our Cosmos team-designed and curated experiential journey which we will highlight in this article.
The experience is interested in transcultural, interspecies, ecological, and spiritual forays that support us in both speculative and diagnostic thinking and conversing. In this sense, it begins from the position that building Trustworthy AI–and the notion of AI ethics more broadly– is fundamentally relational: a responsive and emergent entity that requires a multitude of wisdoms, id/entities, histories, and both existing and not-yet-imagined connections to being.
This cosmic constellation of session responds to MozFest 2023’s commitment to harnessing the “Collective Power of the People” through the exploration of “human intelligence that weaves in ancestral, ecological, technical, and spiritual knowledge, to move the needle in shaping Artificial Intelligence”.
Experiencing AI Cosmologies
The Cosmos Experience is an experimental space interested in the reciprocal relationship between artificial intelligence and planetary beings and the kinds of imagined and imposed relationships–to ourselves, eachOther, and our environments–that it amplifies, disrupts, or inhibits.
Over the course of 5 experiential sessions, through guided artistic and embodied practices, we seek to explore how we might disrupt our notions of “intelligence”, so that we can gather, receive, and share “data'' differently. These ways of encountering, engaging, and relating with/to ambiguity, discomfort, curiosity,and complexity might help us generate new forms of sensemaking in order to reimagine, re-member, and more accountably respond to our relationships to eachOther, and the world, individually and collectively.
Explore Cosmos Experience Sessions
A Collective Wayfinding Experiment
We are approaching this Experience like life and like the Cosmos themselves - as a perpetual introspective yet collective wayfinding experiment - that is emergent, adaptive, responsive, and shapeshifting with/in us and around us. The engagements in the Cosmos - both in the team-designed experiential journeys as well as the contributions from our cosmic companions - invite us to think, sense, feel, and relate radically differently to how we even consider and approach conversations about AI and technologies as (cosmological) entities.
MozFest is part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. To learn more, visit www.mozillafestival.org.
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Sophia Bazile
2023 Cosmos Experience Wrangler | Futures Thinking & Foresight | Experiential Learning Design | Facilitator | Curator | Convener | Sometimes Speaker | Perpetual Seeker Learner, Companion, Guide — on journeys of individual & collective inquiry. Perpetually curious, I have curated, convened, shared and helped broaden perspectives in a range of contexts, around many different topics - and now AI Cosmologies is the latest adventure!
Hannah Holtzclaw
Hannah holtzclaw is a Ph.D. student in the School of Communications, as well as a Data Fluencies Fellow at the Digital Democracies Institute, at Simon Fraser University. They study how embodied learning and machine learning can be thought alongside and through one another to arraign designed cultural associations and habits and turn us towards different modalities of (un)learning, inhabiting and relationality.