Livescribe Smartpens

Warning: *Privacy Not Included with this product

Livescribe Smartpens


Review date: Nov. 2, 2020


Mozilla says

People voted: Somewhat creepy
If you're one of those people who doesn't lose pens, then you won't be afraid to drop well over a hundred dollars on a smart pen. These handy--but easily lost--pens take notes, record audio, save all your scribbles and uploads them to your computer. They even transcribe your most brilliant musings into 27+ languages. Your doodles and notes and to-do lists are recorded via tiny camera in the pen and will all auto-sync to the cloud so you--and potentially a few others if that cloud isn't secure--will always be able to keep track of what's in our head. It's kinda like a spy pen for your scribbles.

What could happen if something goes wrong?

Livescribe doesn't collect any of the content that you create with your Livescribe products without your express action and approval, which is good. However, we weren't able to determine if they met our Minimum Security Standards so we do have to warn it might come with *Privacy Not Included.
  • mobile

Can it snoop on me? information


Device: Yes

App: No


Device: Yes

App: No

Tracks location

Device: No

App: Yes

What can be used to sign up?

What data does the company collect?

How does the company use this data?

Livescribe does not collect any of the content that you create with your Livescribe products without your express action and approval.

How can you control your data?

You can request that your data be deleted.

What is the company’s known track record of protecting users’ data?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Can this product be used offline?


User-friendly privacy information?


Links to privacy information

Does this product meet our Minimum Security Standards? information



Can’t Determine

The Livescribe 3 has a PIN feature that encrypts the Bluetooth connection.

Strong password


Security updates

Can’t Determine

Manages vulnerabilities

Can’t Determine

Privacy policy


Does the product use AI? information

Can’t Determine

Is this AI untrustworthy?

Can’t Determine

What kind of decisions does the AI make about you or for you?

Is the company transparent about how the AI works?

Can’t Determine

Does the user have control over the AI features?

Can’t Determine

*Privacy Not Included


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