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Mozilla Advocacy

Les activités de plaidoyer de Mozilla mobilisent des citoyens du monde entier pour enseigner et lutter pour le respect de la vie privée, l’inclusion, la démocratisation des compétences web et pour tous les principes qui favorisent un Internet plus sain.

Neueste Forschung

  • EUBinary_ExtendedResearchThumbnail

    Navigating the Digital Services Act: exploring key elements and scenarios

    16. Oktober 2023
    Internet health

    The European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) and Mozilla Foundation joint presentation on how online platforms’ risk assessment works in theory and practice.

  • YouTube User Control Study OG

    Does This Button Work? Investigating YouTube's ineffective user controls

    20. September 2022
    Platform accountability / AI fairness, accountability, and transparency / Tech policy & regulation

    Powered by 22,722 volunteers, Mozilla scrutinized YouTube to determine how much control people actually have over the platform’s recommendation algorithm. This is what we learned.

  • YouTube Regrets Report - Share image.jpg

    YouTube Regrets Findings

    1. Juli 2021
    Platform accountability / AI fairness, accountability, and transparency / Tech policy & regulation

    Mozilla and 37,380 YouTube users conducted a study to better understand harmful YouTube recommendations. This is what we learned.