Volunteering at MozFest 2022
Volunteers are on the go at MozFest! Photo credit by Connor Ballard-Pateman. Alt: A MozFest participant quickly walks past a vinyl decal of the festival’s gear-shaped logo and name that has been stuck to the floor.

Whether online or in-person, MozFest depends on its Volunteers to deliver the best possible experience for all of its Participants. An amazing community of local Volunteers helped grow the festival throughout its first decade in London, and in 2021 an incredible cohort of virtual volunteers from around the world made sure that our first ever online MozFest was a success for nearly 10,000 Wranglers, Facilitators, and attendees.

Now it’s time, once again, to open our call for Volunteers for MozFest 2022!

What we know so far about MozFest 2022

At MozFest, in our Spaces and during sessions, we ask the internet health movement to connect, collaborate, and build trustworthy AI, whether in products, policies or guidelines. We explore core issues such as bias, transparency and data stewardship through art, film, debates and workshops, bringing global perspectives to advance local issues.

If this is your first time at MozFest, it's important to remember that MozFest is a unique hybrid event: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.

Our 2022 virtual event will open on 7 March 2022 for 4 days of online sessions on the festival plaza. A global, rolling schedule designed for you to pick and choose when you can participate in sessions, social moments, enjoy interviews live from The Studio, or watch on-demand talks and discussions at your own pace.

While we plan to host a smaller, locally organized, in-person MozFest House-like event from 25 March to 27 March 2022 in Amsterdam, we are still in pandemic times, and our ability to travel in 2022 is still unclear. Therefore, this call for Volunteers is only for the virtual edition of MozFest 2022 right now, not for this potential in-person event later in March.

We will support partners, allies and friends so they can host sessions, installations, workshops and talks for a local audience. If you want to help build or participate, send us an email at [email protected] as we would love to hear your ideas.

For now, Virtual MozFest is the main event and MozFest House is a small experiment, in compliment to our virtual program. Who knows where this new nodal event structure could lead in 2023!

Of course, emergent health and safety concerns and travel restrictions required by the global pandemic may change these plans, especially those for our Amsterdam event. You can keep up with our newsletter and blog or join our MozFest community Slack for the latest news on MozFest 2022.

Volunteering at MozFest 2022

This blog post is a call for interest in volunteering for the virtual portion of MozFest 2022 in early March next year.

If you are interested in volunteering and you can join us from early afternoon through late evening Central European Time in early March 2022, we would love to welcome you into our community of Volunteers! If that timing doesn’t work for you, we would love to include you in MozFest in other ways including joining us as an attendee, of course, by registering for a ticket once they are made available in early December.

As a Volunteer during the virtual portion of MozFest 2022, you can expect to:

  • Help answer questions on the #help channel of the MozFest community Slack.
  • Connect people with other MozFest and technical support staff if you don’t know the answer to a question.
  • Help people navigate the online program and find the sessions they want to attend.
  • Help Facilitators with the technical parts of running a session on a platform like Zoom.
  • Send any reports concerning our community participation guidelines to the festival safety team.

At all times, your Volunteer Coordinators will be there to support you and help find solutions to any problems our Wranglers, Facilitators, and Participants encounter. Those coordinators will be available - and also working alongside you - on the #volunteer channel of our Slack and in a special “production office” video room where you can hang out and network with your fellow Volunteers whenever you are not troubleshooting an issue.

What happens next?

This call for Volunteers will remain open through 3 December 2021. After that, we will send an email to all Volunteers who have indicated that they can participate in early March during festival hours. MozFest staff and Volunteer Coordinators will share details about best volunteering practices,, scheduling, and training with people available to Volunteer at MozFest 2022.

Stay connected

To keep up with the latest news about MozFest 2022 and all the different ways to participate there, you can, subscribe to our newsletter, follow MozFest on Twitter, and find us on LinkedIn. Remember that you can also join the MozFest community Slack at any time to meet other people contributing to the internet health and trustworthy AI movements.

If you have any particular questions about volunteering at MozFest 2022, you can reach out to MozFest staffer Chad Sansing by email or on Slack (@chadsansing).

We’re so excited for MozFest 2022 and we’re especially thankful to be working with you, our stellar community of Volunteers and Volunteer Coordinators, once again!

Chad Sansing works on facilitation and leadership development, as well as Ambassador, Facilitator, Newcomer, and Volunteer support for MozFest. When he’s not at work, you can find him gaming, reading, or enjoying time with his family. Prior to joining Mozilla, he taught middle school for 14 years.

MozFest is part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. To learn more, visit www.mozillafestival.org.

Sign up for the MozFest newsletter here to stay up to date on the latest festival and internet health movement news.

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