Honeywell's line of smart thermostats include the T9 (not to be confused with the T800, that's the Terminator), the Round Smart, and the WiFi Smart Color thermostats. So if you want a square, round, or color changing smart thermostat that does all the things smart thermostats do--know when you are home or away and adjust the temp accordingly, let you adjust the temp of you home through an app while you're away at the beach, control your thermostat with you voice--here you go. Hopefully none them will try to kill you like the T800.
Je, jambo gani linaweza kutokea mambo yakienda mrama?
The biggest flag we see with these smart thermostats from Honeywell is that their parent company Resideo says it can share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes. We suppose it's always possible the AI they use in their smart thermostats to learn when you are home or away and adjust the temperature accordingly could get hacked by a bad guy and he could learn when you are away, turn your heat all the way off in the winter, you pipes freeze, your house flood, and that stinks. But this seems highly unlikely.
Unaweza kunichunguza?
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Ndiyo
Kipaza sauti
Kifaa: Ndiyo
Programu: Ndiyo
Inafuatilia eneo
Kifaa: Ndiyo
Programu: Ndiyo
Unaweza kutumia nini kujisajili?
Barua pepe
Akaunti ya mhusika mwingine
Kampuni inakusanya data gani?
Ya kibinafsi
Name, email address, zip code
Shirika linalohusiana
Je, kampuni inatumiaje data hii?
Unawezaje kudhibiti data yako?
Je, rekodi ya kampuni inayojulikana ya kulinda data ya watumiaji ni gani?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
Je, bidhaa hii inaweza kutumika nje ya mtandao?
Maelezo ya faragha yanayofaa watumiaji?
Viungo vya taarifa za faragha
Je, bidhaa hii inakidhi Viwango vyetu vya Chini Zaidi vya Usalama?
Usimbaji fiche
All data sent to and from the cloud is encrypted
Nenosiri thabiti
Masasisho ya usalama
Inashughulikia hatari
Resideo encourages coordinated disclosure of security vulnerabilities. Resideo also runs a bug bounty program, which means that anyone who finds a security issues and discloses it responsibly may get paid. https://www.resideo.com/us/en/responsible-disclosure/vulnerability-report/
Sera ya faragha
The AI built into the apps and devices does things like change your settings depending on if you are home or away based on when you cross your geofence boundary. Honeywell is also working on AI solutions for industrial building operators.
Una maoni? Tuambie.