![Greater Goods Premium WiFi Smart Scale](https://assets.mofoprod.net/network/images/Greater-Goods-WiFiSmartBodyScale_srp9bp_GR5ufk.width-250.jpg)
Warning: *Privacy Not Included with this product
Want a smart scale that measures weight, BMI, and more — and sends all this data automatically over WiFi, no need to connect it to a phone? This WiFi smart scale does that. It's handy, if maybe a tad bit less secure than Bluetooth smart scales (an always-on WiFi connection is typically less secure than a Bluetooth connection you create only when you're transferring data). The app collects all this data and makes it easy for you to see your gains and losses. It also works with Fitbit, Google Fit, Apple Health, and more.
Je, jambo gani linaweza kutokea mambo yakienda mrama?
We like that Greater Goods does not sell your personal information to third parties. That's a good thing. Unfortunately we couldn't determine if this product meets our Minimum Security Standards by providing security updates and managing security vulnerabilities. Not knowing that, we have to warn this product could come with *privacy not included. Also remember, if you connect the app and share your smart scale data with a third-party like Google Fit or Fitbit, then you must rely on those companies to keep this personal information secure too.
Vidokezi vya kujilinda
- Be very careful what third party companies you consent to share your health data with. If you do decide to share your health data with another company, read their privacy policy to see how they protect, secure, and share or sell your data.
Unaweza kunichunguza?
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Ndiyo
Kipaza sauti
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Hapana
Inafuatilia eneo
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Ndiyo
Unaweza kutumia nini kujisajili?
Barua pepe
Akaunti ya mhusika mwingine
Kampuni inakusanya data gani?
Ya kibinafsi
Name, email address, gender, age
Shirika linalohusiana
Weight, body mass index, body fat, visceral fat
Je, kampuni inatumiaje data hii?
Unawezaje kudhibiti data yako?
Je, rekodi ya kampuni inayojulikana ya kulinda data ya watumiaji ni gani?
No known incidents in the last 3 years.
Una maoni? Tuambie.