Moving Forward Together: Effective Activism for Change

1 de Abril de 2020
Community building

Visão geral

As computing has increasingly contributed to different aspects of life, considerations of ethics, values, accessibility, diversity, and inclusivity have become more urgent. The human-computer interaction community has helped to give such issues visibility and emphasis, even while recognizing how much work is yet to be done.

This paper addresses ways we can build on that foundation to continue to improve our community and the world, while acknowledging the difficulty of the problems, the understandable disagreements about how best to pursue them, and the fact that these issues hit home for thousands of participants and volunteer organizers alike. It asks: How can we as a community recognize and address and incorporate the very real critiques of our current systems to produce a more thoughtful, just, equitable field and world? What actions can we take-beyond virtue signaling and slacktivism-that will effect meaningful change within the community and beyond?

In this hands-on workshop, working with an expert in effective activism, we bring together activists from our community with current volunteers in these domains to improve our field and build together the world we would like to see.