Aviso: *Privacidade não incluída neste produto
Looking to teach your five year old about shopping and cooking at a very young age? Who better to trust than Amazon's Alexa? (We can actually think of a whole bunch of better options to teach young kids about shopping than Amazon's Alexa, but roll with us here.) KidKraft has paired up with Amazon's Alexa for this wooden kitchen and market set complete with self-checkout, working smart scanner, fridge, freezer, and even a smart faucet. Plop an Alexa smart speaker (sold separately) in the middle of the kitchen and that, along with a bunch of RFID sensors, will play with your kids. We'll give them this, potentially training kids at an early age to buy stuff while hanging out with Alexa sure feels like a solid business model. We're pretty worried about the privacy implications of this though.
O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?
The biggest privacy flag for us with this toy targeted at kids ages 3 - 10 is that it is hard to get any information about the KidKraft Alexa Skill because the Amazon Skill store does not require links to a privacy policy. So we are unable to tell what data this might collect or how the voice interactions might be used. Amazon does say that child-directed Alexa Skills cannot sell physical products or services; sell digital products or services without using Amazon In-Skill Purchasing; or collect any personal information from children. Which feels like everything could be ok. We just aren't able to confirm that. Couple that with the fact that we were unable to tell if this product meets our Minimum Security Standards and we have to warn, this Alexa-driven toy could come with *privacy not included.
Pode me bisbilhotar?
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Não
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Sim
Rastreia localização
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Não
O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?
Não aplicável
Não aplicável
Conta de terceiros
Não aplicável
Que dados a empresa coleta?
KidKraft promises that any Personal Information they may receive from users they have actual knowledge to be under the age of 16 will be purged from their database. With no Alexa Skill related policy we are unable to confirm what data this might collect or how the voice interactions might be used.
Relacionado ao corpo
Como a empresa usa esses dados?
Como você pode controlar seus dados?
Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?
No known incidents in the last 3 years.
Este produto pode ser usado offline?
Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?
No Alexa Skill related policy. No mention of children data in the European version of the policy.
Links para informações de privacidade
Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança?
Senha forte
Atualizações de segurança
Gerencia vulnerabilidades
Política de privacidade
No product- and Alexa Skill-related policy.
The product uses Alexa Skill to connect to Alexa. No privacy policy for this skill can be found.
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