If you want an Android TV streaming box with features like Dolby Vision and Atmos, 4K HDR and AI-upscaling, and a customizable remote, then Nvidia Shield TV and Shield TV Pro are for you. It's got Google Assistant built in and lets you stream from Chromecast apps. It's perfect for the techies and gamers who want more than Roku or Fire TV offer. The bad news: it's not cheap. The good news: Nvidia seems to be better at privacy than those other guys.
Co się może stać, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak?
Apparently you can have a streaming TV service and have some privacy too! Indeed, Nvidia seems to do a pretty good job protecting users' privacy. They don't sell your data, which is good, especially in the streaming TV space. They even list users’ privacy rights right at the top of their privacy policy. These include things like, “You have the right to see the data we have collected, take it with you, make corrections, withdraw consent for future uses, opt out of sharing, or erase your data all together at any time.” Good work Nvidia!
Nvidia’s mercifully short privacy policy includes instructions on how to set up and use an opt-out preference signal -- which helps users opt-out of website tracking all at once through a browser extension instead of having to fiddle with cookie banners everywhere they go. Which is good, because if you do consent to receive marketing communications, Nvidia say they can gather data about you from publicly available sources across the internet and "identity enrichment data from third-party sources" and share that with business partners and advertisers like Google to target you with interest-based ads. That's not great...so don't forget to log into their Privacy Center to disable sharing with third party advertisers.
Nvidia's remote only listens for your voice when you push a button on the remote. That's a nice feature. Beware though, any asks you make of Google Assistant or Alexa to play your TV shows can be collected by Google and Amazon and used to target you with ads and content. While we are cautioning you, we should also mention that Nvidia reportedly suffered a data breach in 2022. Seventy one thousand employee credentials (no consumer data though) were stolen and some of those ended up online. It's a good reminder that nothing is 100% secure on the internet and that the best way to keep personal data safe is not collecting it in the first place.
All in all, Nvidia seemingly does an OK -- if not great -- job with privacy. In a streaming TV space where companies are hungry for all the data they can get on viewers, Nvidia seems to do much better than most.
Wskazówki, jak się chronić
- You can configure privacy and data settings by visiting privacy.nvidia.com.
- Opt out of data sharing for interest-based advertising via the privacy center
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless necessary)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data.
- When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible.
Czy może mnie podsłuchiwać?
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Urządzenie: Tak
Aplikacja: Tak
Śledzi położenie
Urządzenie: Tak
Aplikacja: Tak
Czego można użyć do rejestracji?
Konto firmy trzeciej
Jakie dane zbiera ta firma?
Username, email address, account preferences, login activity, and IP address; birthdate; geographic region; Information about the features and applications used in connection with our products or services, including the software or games you are using.
Związane z ciałem
Jak ta firma wykorzystuje te dane?
Jak możesz kontrolować swoje dane?
Jaka jest znana historia tej firmy w zakresie ochrony danych użytkowników?
In March 2022, a data leak happened at Nvidia that exposed credentials of over 71,000 employees. "Impacted data included over 70k employee email addresses and NTLM password hashes, many of which were subsequently cracked and circulated within the hacking community.” In a tweet Troy Hunt, the owner of HaveIBeenPwnd, stated that 17% of addresses were already in the database." Nvidia promptly stepped back and required all employees to change passwords. The consumer data was not impacted by the breach.
Informacje o prywatności dziecka
Czy ten produkt może być używany bez połączenia z siecią?
Przyjazne dla użytkownika informacje o prywatności?
Nvidia's privacy policy is fairly easy to read and understand. They use tables to make it easier to understand what data they collect and how they use it, which we appreciate.
Odnośniki do informacji o prywatności
Czy ten produkt spełnia nasze minimalne standardy bezpieczeństwa?
Silne hasło
Aktualizacje zabezpieczeń
Zajmuje się problemami z bezpieczeństwem
Anyone can report a vulnerability at https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/security/report-vulnerability/
Zasady ochrony prywatności
Dowiedz się więcej
Best VPN for Nvidia Shield in 2023: A Shield for Your ShieldCloudwards
Standard Privacy Report For NvidiaCommon Sense Privacy Program
How to Turn Off Smart TV Snooping FeaturesConsumer Reports
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