Want a smart watch fitness tracker but prefer a round face to Apple Watch's square one? The Garmin Venu has a round face, tracks everything you can possibly image--heart rate, pulse ox, stress, sleeping, menstrual cycle, and more--and will train you up with on-screen workouts, a coach, and built-in sports apps. It's got it all, and a round face! And if you're into square watch faces, Garmin Venu comes in those too. Bonus, Garmin does a pretty good job handling all your sensitive information.
Co się może stać, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak?
When your *Privacy Not Included researcher wanted to get a fitness tracking smartwatch to see how stressed out reading privacy policies made her, Garmin is what she went with. Because Garmin seems to do one of the best jobs handling the privacy and security of all the personal data fitness trackers collect, at least according to their really not that stressful privacy policy. (Seriously, companies who have privacy policies, please, look to Garmin as an example of how to do privacy practices and policies right.)
Here’s what this privacy researcher really likes about Garmin. Yes, Garmin's fitness trackers and smartwatches can collect a whole lot of personal information through the device and on the Garmin Connect app. That’s what a fitness trackers and smartwatch are designed to do, that's why we want them. Garmin says they can collect data like email address, device information, location, and all that body-related data like physical activity, stress, sleep patterns, heat rate, pulse ox, and more. Here's the thing. Garmin might collect lots of data, but they then do a pretty good job, as far as we can tell, of respecting it, protecting it, and not trying to make money off sharing or selling it. Gasp! What a wonderful idea.
Your “sharing with others” user settings in the Garmin Connect app are set to “private” by default. Which is great. You can choose to share your data with contacts if you wish, but you have to change your privacy settings to do that. Good work Garmin. Garmin says they don't sell data and they don't share your personal information for advertising purposes with third parties without your consent. They ask you to opt-in rather than opt-out of consent to receive marketing communications from them. And their privacy policy is actually pretty good at laying out what data they collect, clearly explaining why they collect it, and how it is used.
Garmin also seems to do a pretty good job securing the personal information they collect. However, they did suffer that very public ransomware attack in 2020. Ransomware attacks suck and it seems no company is safe from them these days. Good news though, no user data was actually compromised in that attack, so, once more, good work Garmin.
Garmin has been on our Best Of list for a number of years. And we're pleased to say, in 2023, it seems they've gotten even better (which is amazing when so many other companies are getting worse). We were very happy to see that the one gripe we had with Garmin in the past -- the fact that they didn't clearly state they grant all people, regardless of where they live and the privacy laws they live under, the same right to delete their data -- got fixed in 2023.
Garmin actually reached out to us about that and when we pointed out that they didn't clearly state that, they said they would take a look. And now we see this lovely line on their Data Protection Rights page, "Depending on where you reside, you may have rights under applicable laws, subject to conditions and restrictions provided in those laws. Regardless of where you reside, you can access, correct, export, or delete your personal data (including deleting your entire Garmin account) by visiting our Account Management Center." Great work Garmin! This is the kind of care about privacy for everyone, not just the people you're required to grant privacy rights to, that we LOVE to see. (Also, a note to toot our own horn a bit: This is what happen when we point out the issues we see to companies -- sometimes the good ones make change.)
Is your intrepid privacy researcher happy with her decision to get a Garmin fitness tracker? Yes, she is. Although it does make her a little nervous that she now leaves her phone's Bluetooth on all the time. But hey, knowing that body battery score is really cool! And shoot, any smart watch that's good enough for the US Space Force is good enough for us (we joke, we joke!) What’s the worst that could happen with your fun Garmin fitness tracking smartwatch? Well, hopefully nothing, but do beware if you link your data to other third party apps like Strava and MyFitnessPal. Those apps come with their own privacy policies and every time you share your personal information with someone else you increase the vulnerability of that personal information.
Wskazówki, jak się chronić
- Be very careful who you choose to share your Garmin wellness data with.
- Adjust your privacy settings in the Garmin Connect app to suit your comfort level.
- Don't connect your Garmin app to any social networks like Facebook, WeChat, etc.
- When you no longer use the app, go to "Delete account" in the app menu
- Turn off precise location sharing!
- Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc.
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images and videos)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Do not sign up with third-party accounts. Better just log in with email and strong password.
- Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless neccessary)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data.
- When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible.
Czy może mnie podsłuchiwać?
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Tak
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Tak
Śledzi położenie
Urządzenie: Tak
Aplikacja: Tak
Czego można użyć do rejestracji?
Konto firmy trzeciej
For users in China, WeChat, QQ, or Apple sign-ins are available.
Jakie dane zbiera ta firma?
"Email, name, phone number. If you choose to provide: location, types of activities you participate in (e.g., running, hiking, cycling, golf, etc.), and a photo, and your gender, birthdate, height, and weight, activities (e.g., runs, walks, bike rides, swims, hikes, gym activities, etc.)"
Związane z ciałem
If you choose to provide: activity data (e.g., steps, distance, pace, activity time, calories burned, heart rate, sleep, location, golf stats, menstrual cycle information, hydration, music played, etc.).
Jak ta firma wykorzystuje te dane?
Jak możesz kontrolować swoje dane?
Jaka jest znana historia tej firmy w zakresie ochrony danych użytkowników?
They did suffer that very public ransomware attack in 2020. No user data was compromised during this attack.
Informacje o prywatności dziecka
Czy ten produkt może być używany bez połączenia z siecią?
Przyjazne dla użytkownika informacje o prywatności?
Garmin has an easy to find list of all privacy policies. The privacy policies are relatively easy to find and simple to read.
Odnośniki do informacji o prywatności
Czy ten produkt spełnia nasze minimalne standardy bezpieczeństwa?
Garmin devices and apps use a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption appropriate to the nature and function of the product, and data stored/transmitted.
Silne hasło
In order to use companion apps, an account with a strong password is required.
Aktualizacje zabezpieczeń
Zajmuje się problemami z bezpieczeństwem
Zasady ochrony prywatności
Garmin use Machine Learning (ML) to provide personalized insights to customers who wish to receive them as they pursue their fitness and wellness goals.
Czy tej sztucznej inteligencji nie można ufać?
Jakie decyzje sztuczna inteligencja podejmuje o Tobie lub za Ciebie?
Czy firma jest przejrzysta w kwestii działania sztucznej inteligencji?
Czy użytkownik ma kontrolę nad funkcjami sztucznej inteligencji?
Dowiedz się więcej
Thousands of Garmin Smartwatches Being Used to Test Space Force Fitness ProgramMilitary.com News
Garmin’s New Aviator Watch Partly Addresses a Risk the War in Ukraine Is Highlighting – MicrotargetingForbes
Stop Leaving Your Smartphone's Bluetooth OnLifehacker
A Cyberattack on Garmin Disrupted More Than WorkoutsWired
Ransomware attack on Garmin thought to be the work of 'Evil Corp'The Guardian
The Garmin Hack Was a WarningWired
The Garmin Security Breach: Here’s What You Need to KnowTerra Nova
Masz uwagi? Podziel się nimi z nami.