Now seems like a great time to punch things (not people!). FightCamp let's you do that and tracks you as you do -- for a price. For $439 plus a $39 monthly membership fee you get a pair of hand wraps that will hold a pair of Bluetooth punch trackers and access to FightCamp's library of workouts. Drop and extra $800 dollars and you actually get a punching bag and workout gloves. On the one hand, unlike other workout systems that include cameras and microphones, the Bluetooth punch trackers are privacy-friendly. On the other hand, you could buy a punching bag and some gloves off eBay for much less and still get your fight on. Android users beware, the FightCamp app is iOS only.
Co się może stać, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak?
FightCamp’s device is basically Bluetooth trackers you wrap on your hands to track punches in your garage or apartment, so not too much of a privacy or security threat there.
FightCamp says they do not rent, sell, or share your personal information with others except with your consent, which is good. They also say they currently do not share personal data with third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent, which is also good. All in all, there doesn’t seem to be too much that could go wrong with FightCamp. What's the worst that could happen? Probably not a whole lot, really. Punch away!
Wskazówki, jak się chronić
- Be very careful what third party companies you consent to share you health data with. If you do decided to share your health data with another company, read their privacy policy to see how they protect, secure, and share or sell your data.
- Once you do not use a device any more, make sure to request deletion of all your data.
Czy może mnie podsłuchiwać?
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Śledzi położenie
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Czego można użyć do rejestracji?
Konto firmy trzeciej
Jakie dane zbiera ta firma?
Name, email, phone number, date of birth, address, gender
Związane z ciałem
Height, weight
Jak ta firma wykorzystuje te dane?
Jak możesz kontrolować swoje dane?
Jaka jest znana historia tej firmy w zakresie ochrony danych użytkowników?
No known incidents in the last 3 years.
Masz uwagi? Podziel się nimi z nami.