Working out at home is all the rage these days. So are new fangled home gym gadgets. This might be the weirdest one we've seen yet. A Bluetooth connected foam roller. Why does anyone need a Bluetooth connected foam roller, you ask? According to JaxJox, it’s so you can control the five vibration settings, three different massage zones, and use their algorithm to “recover with intelligence.” Hmm...feels like a bit of a stretch.
Wat kan er gebeuren als er iets misgaat?
What could go wrong with a Bluetooth connected foam roller? Probably not a whole lot. JaxJox didn't have section in their privacy policy detailing exactly what data they were collecting, which is a failure on their part. But really, it's a foam roller, how much data could it really be collecting? Although the app does access your phone's camera and tracks location, so maybe more than you think. What could go wrong? Well, having your foam roller tracking where you like to stretch out your hamstrings probably isn't too bad. But really, do you need a connected foam roller in your life?
Kan het me bespioneren?
Apparaat: Nee
App: Ja
Apparaat: Nee
App: Nee
Volgt locatie
Apparaat: Nee
App: Ja
Wat is er nodig om u aan te melden?
Account van derden
Welke gegevens verzamelt het bedrijf?
Name, gender as far as we can tell. JaxJox didn't have a section in their privacy policy detailing exactly what data they were collecting.
Hoe gebruikt het bedrijf deze gegevens?
Hoe kunt u uw gegevens beheren?
Hoe staat het bedrijf bekend als het gaat om het beschermen van gebruikersgegevens?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
Kan dit product offline worden gebruikt?
Gebruikersvriendelijke privacy-informatie?
Koppelingen naar privacy-informatie
Voldoet dit product aan onze minimale beveiligingsnormen?
Uses encryption for the Bluetooth.
Sterk wachtwoord
Beheert kwetsbaarheden
JaxJox didn't have a section detailing exactly what data they were collecting.
JaxJox's promotes AI-power performance tracking, based on data from the JaxJox products being sent to the JaxJox app.
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