Waarschuwing: *Privacy niet inbegrepen bij dit product
Want to play with your kitty but you're busy at work? Feeling guilty about going away for the weekend and leaving your dog for the pet sitter to look in on? Drop a few hundred bucks and get yourself this little roving robot pet toy. It's got wheels to move around and chase Fluffy, and HD video camera to record all the silly antics Fido gets into while you are gone, two-way audio to talk to your furry family member, a laser to flash all about, and the ability to toss treats to your furry friend with the click of a button in the app. The iPet Robot connects over WiFi and you better hope that is secure otherwise somebody could take over a rolling spybot in your own home and catch you, and your pet, doing all sort of things.
Wat kan er gebeuren als er iets misgaat?
Uhm, yeah, this little dog robot comes with a night vision camera and a microphone and most definitely comes with *Privacy Not Included. We couldn't determine if the bot meets our Minimum Security Standards and it appears it doesn't encrypt your data. This is very bad. And the only privacy policy we found applied to the website, not the device, so we don't know what data its collecting on you or how it plans to use that information. Did we mention it's a little bot that rolls around your house with a night vision camera and microphone? Yeah, Dogness is creepy.
Kan het me bespioneren?
Apparaat: Ja
App: Ja
Apparaat: Ja
App: Ja
Volgt locatie
Apparaat: Nee
App: Ja
Wat is er nodig om u aan te melden?
Account van derden
Users can register with either phone number or email for registration
Welke gegevens verzamelt het bedrijf?
Name, address, email address
Hoe gebruikt het bedrijf deze gegevens?
Hoe kunt u uw gegevens beheren?
Hoe staat het bedrijf bekend als het gaat om het beschermen van gebruikersgegevens?
In March 2020, it was reported that Dogness left its ElasticSearch server, containing the usernames, emails, clear-text passwords, and session cookies of its users exposed. The unprotected information has lead to the complete exposure of it's production SQL database, application source code, and thecomplete takeover and control of it's pet feeding devices and associated accounts.
Kan dit product offline worden gebruikt?
Gebruikersvriendelijke privacy-informatie?
Koppelingen naar privacy-informatie
Voldoet dit product aan onze minimale beveiligingsnormen?
Sterk wachtwoord
Beheert kwetsbaarheden
Main Privacy Policy and App privacy policy does not apply to robot or app.
Dieper duiken
Data Breach: Dogness IOT gets put in the Dog HouseDarryl Burke
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