
Advertencia: *Privacidad no incluida con este producto


Tonal Systems, Inc
Wifi Bluetooth

Fecha de la reseña: 8 de noviembre de 2021


Mozilla dice

La gente votó: Muy siniestro

Tonal is a gym, a trainer, and a coach all rolled into one rather expensive, compact machine that fits on your wall. It has adjustable arms with cables where weights can be adjusted to up to 200 pounds for all manner of lifting and squatting and curling exercises. There's a built-in video screen where coaches guide you through strength, cardio, and yoga exercises. And it says it uses built-in artificial intelligence to learn your strength and adjust your workouts accordingly, based on your goals. Not gonna lie, Tonal sounds like the gym of the future. Especially if the future includes more global pandemics.

¿Qué podría pasar si algo falla?

While Tonal says they haven’t sold your personal information, they do say they can share the heck out of it. And they collect a lot of personal information — everything from name, location, gender, images and videos you might upload, information from your social media accounts if you connect them, and even any inferences they make about you based on all that personal information. They say they share that personal information with a number of third parties for things such as targeting you with ads and to “allow third parties to offer or provide you goods and services through the Equipment.”

This sort of large data collection and sharing is, unfortunately, not super unusual in the home workout equipment world. But it does stink that when you want to work out in the privacy of your own home, your workout isn’t really private. Being targeted with ads as you get your burn on, yeah, that’s probably not good for your body or your brain.

Consejos para protegerte

  • Set up Screen Lock on your Tonal machine to protect you from others accessing your machine and accounts.
  • Be very careful what third-party companies you consent to share your health data with. If you do decide to share your health data with another company, read their privacy policy to see how they protect, secure, and share or sell your data.
  • mobile

¿Me puede espiar? Información





Dispositivo: No

Aplicación: No

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Dispositivo: No

Aplicación: No

¿Qué se puede usar para registrarse?

¿Qué datos recopila la empresa?

¿Cómo utiliza la empresa estos datos?

Tonal shares Personal Information with third-party ad networks to permit them to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Services and other websites or online services. In the last 12 month, Tonal shared audio/video data to the following third parties: Service Providers; Connected Applications; Social Media; Public Audience; Legal Authorities.

¿Cómo puedes controlar el uso de tus datos?

Tonal provides no retention details and mentions no ways to delete data for anyone but California residents.

¿Qué historial tiene la compañía en cuanto a la protección de los datos de los usuarios?


No known incidents in the last 3 years.

¿El producto se puede usar sin conexión?

¿La información de privacidad es fácil de entender?


Enlaces a información de privacidad

¿El producto cumple nuestros estándares mínimos de seguridad? Información


Contraseña fuerte

Actualizaciones de seguridad

Gestiona las vulnerabilidades

Política de privacidad

¿El producto usa IA? Información

¿Es poco confiable esta IA?

No se puede determinar

¿Qué tipo de decisiones toma la IA acerca de ti o por ti?

Tonal’s full-body strength assessment sets the foundation for your strength training goals. From there, Tonal automatically sets the optimal weight for every movement so you’ll get the most out of every rep.

¿La empresa es transparente acerca del funcionamiento de la IA?

No se puede determinar

¿Tiene el usuario control sobre las características de la IA?

*Privacidad no incluida

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