PetChatz HD
This product bills itself as a digital doggy daycare. It's got your two-way video chats and your treat dispenser and and a ringtone to let your dog know you are calling to check in. It's also got a scent diffuser for your pet's aromatherapy needs (seriously). And if you pay an extra subscription fee, it lets your dog watch DOGTV all day long. They say robots will replace us all. Doggy moms and dads are apparently now replaceable.
What could happen if something goes wrong?
While unlikely, it's possible some terrible person could hack in, diffuse your pet's aromatherapy scents in the middle of the night causing a sneezing fit which leads to insomnia which causes you to fall asleep at the wheel on your way to work the next morning and you wreck your car. Or, you know, they could just spy on you when you're naked.
Can it snoop on me?
Device: Yes
App: Yes
Device: Yes
App: Yes
Tracks location
Device: No
App: Yes
What can be used to sign up?
Can’t Determine
Can’t Determine
Third-party account
Can’t Determine
What data does the company collect?
Body related
How does the company use this data?
How can you control your data?
What is the company’s known track record of protecting users’ data?
Can this product be used offline?
User-friendly privacy information?
Links to privacy information
Does this product meet our Minimum Security Standards?
Yes, all server communication and video chats are encrypted.
Strong password
Users must create a user account where they choose a unique password. The device can be synced to only one user account.
Security updates
Does it get regular software/firmware updates?
Manages vulnerabilities
PetChatz doesn't have an official bug bounty program, but it invites responsible disclosure of security bugs.
Privacy policy
PetChatz recently updated their privacy policy so that it applies to the device and not only to the company's website. They did this after we contacted them with our questions.
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