Gather ‘round kids and cute toy enthusiasts, for a tale about a toy from the last millennium. Before smartphones and having the internet at home, there was Tamagotchi: an egg-shaped interactive toy with a few buttons that let you take (digital) care of a surprisingly lovable pixelated blob. Today, that toy is making its triumphant return with some technical improvements that include more character options and access to the Tamaverse! Oooh la la! And unlike most reboots for nostalgic millennials, this one is somehow better than the original. The Tamagotchi has stayed true to its privacy-preserving roots -- so much so that it gets the thumbs up from our discerning researcher.
Je, jambo gani linaweza kutokea mambo yakienda mrama?
Good news, everyone! The Tamagotchi Uni treats your privacy like it’s 1996. Yep, that’s right. You can dive right on in to the Tomaverse at pretty much no risk to your privacy. Dang, it feels good to write that.
Tamagotchi Uni toy’s privacy policy is short, simple, and free of red flags. Here’s what we love about it: they don’t collect a pinch more personal data than they need to give you access to the game. And not collecting personal information is really the best way to keep it safe. Your IP address and Device ID is as personal as it gets. Even your chosen nickname is only processed on your device, so feel free to let it all hang out there.
Great privacy does have its downsides though. In their FAQ, it says that if your Tamagotchi character disappears, it “cannot be recovered.” Sad, but with 33 different characters at the ready, we’re sure you’ll find another UniTama to love.
Vidokezi vya kujilinda
- Opt your child out of as much personal data collection as possible
- Turn the microphone off when you do not need it
- Do not sign up with third-party accounts. Better just log in with email and strong password.
- Chose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless neccessary)
- Keep your app regularly updated
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization)
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data.
Unaweza kunichunguza?
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Haihusiki
Kipaza sauti
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Haihusiki
Inafuatilia eneo
Kifaa: Hapana
Programu: Haihusiki
Unaweza kutumia nini kujisajili?
Barua pepe
Akaunti ya mhusika mwingine
You can sign up with a username, it does not have to correspond to your real name.
Kampuni inakusanya data gani?
Ya kibinafsi
Device ID, IP address, last access date, firmware version of the device and DLC purchase status, by which we cannot identify you. We do not collect your Nickname to our game server. The Nickname is only processed in your device.
Shirika linalohusiana
Je, kampuni inatumiaje data hii?
Unawezaje kudhibiti data yako?
Je, rekodi ya kampuni inayojulikana ya kulinda data ya watumiaji ni gani?
No known privacy or security vulnerabilities found in the last three years.
Taarifa ya Faragha ya Mtoto
Je, bidhaa hii inaweza kutumika nje ya mtandao?
Maelezo ya faragha yanayofaa watumiaji?
Detailed FAQ is provided
Una maoni? Tuambie.