Mozilla News Beat

Paw Patrol

Working from home with pets means sad eyes needing attention, puppy zoomies, and kitty paws booping at your keyboard. Here’s the absolutely adorable video to prove it. Via The Dodo

Unicorn of the Sea

Researchers have recorded the sounds Narwhals make--whistles to say hello, clicks and chainsaw buzzing to find food. These calming sounds are what we all need right now. Via Mashable

Taste Test

A Japanese scientist created a device that lets you taste almost any flavor without taking a bite of food. It works like a computer screen does by combining “taste pixels” you lick with your tongue. Via Gizmodo

Zoom with God

The NY Times captured in words and a beautiful photo essay how some followers of Quakerism are now meeting silently over Zoom to pray, worship and connect, together apart. Via NY Times

Failure to Launch

Bad weather forced SpaceX to delay the first launch of human astronauts from US soil since 2011. The historic launch has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 30, weather permitting. Via Forbes

A Strong Foundation

The board that oversees Wikimedia and all its sister projects has asked them to clean up their safety and compliance standards to better address harassment and inclusivity within their communities. Via Gizmodo

Good Idea

Lawmakers have introduced a bill in the US Congress that would ban microtargeting of political advertisements in a move designed to cut down the spread of misinformation on platforms like Facebook. Via Ars Technica

Twitter Filtergate

The story of Boris Johnson aide Dominic Cummings breaching lockdown to go visit his family dominated news in the UK this week. Just don’t look for his name trending on Twitter where the platform’s anti-porn filters blocked it from the list of trending topics. Via The Guardian

Twitter v Trump

This week Twitter labeled a couple of tweets by President Trump with links to “get the facts,” resulting in Trump signing an Executive Order targeting social media companies. Via NPR

Moderation Manipulation?

YouTube says it is fixing errors in its content moderation system that automatically delete comments critical of the Chinese Communist Party. One hypothesis for why these comments were being deleted, pro-CCP users coordinated to mass-report these terms. Via The Verge

Facebook Facepalm

New information indicates Facebook knew the way it recommends content to users was driving polarization in society, but chose to ignore this in favor of more engagement on its platform. Via The Verge

Viral Video Evidence

Racism reared its ugly head in the US again this week with two incidents caught on cell phone video showing white people attacking black people — one black man survived, one didn’t. Via Washington Post

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