OurPets SmartScoop Intelligent Litter Box

OurPets SmartScoop Intelligent Litter Box

Beoordelingsdatum: 23 oktober 2019


Mozilla zegt

Mensen stemden op: Enigszins griezelig
Do we think the "smart home" has gone too far when we have litter boxes that alert us when our cats took a poo? If not, then this Bluetooth connected litter box that senses when you cat enters and leaves the litter box, scoops the poop into a bin, and then lets you know the deed is done might be right up your alley. It will even let you know when the litter box "requires your attention." Which seems like something your kitty can do just fine. Just in case, here's a notification to let you know the world needs one more thing from you. Yup, humans might just have gone too far.

Wat kan er gebeuren als er iets misgaat?

Unfortunately, this product raises some red flags. The company didn't take the time to get back to us with answers to our privacy and security questions. They also do not meet our Minimum Security Standards because the only privacy policy we could find was one for the website. That means the device and the app it connects to do not have a privacy policy we could find. That's bad. What's the worst that could go wrong with a Bluetooth connected litter box with potentially poor privacy and security protections? Perhaps not a whole lot. But we'd rather see them take your security and privacy seriously so we don't have to find out.
  • mobile

Kan het me bespioneren? informatie


Apparaat: Nee

App: Nee


Apparaat: Nee

App: Nee

Volgt locatie

Apparaat: Nee

App: Ja

Wat is er nodig om u aan te melden?

Welke gegevens verzamelt het bedrijf?

Hoe gebruikt het bedrijf deze gegevens?

Hoe kunt u uw gegevens beheren?

Hoe staat het bedrijf bekend als het gaat om het beschermen van gebruikersgegevens?


Kan dit product offline worden gebruikt?

Kan niet bepalen

Gebruikersvriendelijke privacy-informatie?


Koppelingen naar privacy-informatie

Voldoet dit product aan onze minimale beveiligingsnormen? informatie



Kan niet bepalen

We were unable to determine if this device currently uses secure encryption.

Sterk wachtwoord

Kan niet bepalen

We were unable to determine if this device requires a strong password or other means of secure authentication.


Kan niet bepalen

We were unable to determine whether this device receives regular security updates.

Beheert kwetsbaarheden

Kan niet bepalen

We were unable to determine whether the company manages security vulnerabilities.



OurPets has a privacy policy but it doesn't appear to apply to the device – only the company's website.

Gebruikt het product AI? informatie

Kan niet bepalen

Is deze AI onbetrouwbaar?

Kan niet bepalen

Wat voor soort beslissingen neemt de AI over u of voor u?

Is het bedrijf transparant over hoe de AI werkt?

Kan niet bepalen

Heeft de gebruiker controle over de AI-functies?

Kan niet bepalen

*Privacy niet inbegrepen


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