
Waarschuwing: *Privacy niet inbegrepen bij dit product


Beoordelingsdatum: 15 maart 2024


Mozilla zegt

Mensen stemden op: Heel griezelig

Started in 1997, this dating app is targeted at Jewish men and women looking for other Jewish people to date. Free to sign up and browse profiles, users must have a subscription to message other users. It's like having access to your very own Jewish matchmaker, their Google Play store description says. The app allows people to target specific Jewish affiliations such as Conservative, Hasidic, or Reform, as well as ethnicity as part of their search. Users don't have to be Jewish to sign up, there is a "Willing to convert" profile option. Both straight and LGBTQ profile options are available on Jdate. And while users are only required to provide some basic personal information to sign up, users more open to sharing personal information will get more matches on the app.

Wat kan er gebeuren als er iets misgaat?

Here's a snag in swapping a real-life Jewish matchmaker with Jdate -- this one comes with with *Privacy Not Included. So do its Spark-Network-owned sister apps by the way, which include ChristianMingle, Elite Singles, and Zoosk. They all made their way into our bad books because of their personal-data-sharing, questionable security, and the fact that they don't guarantee all users the right to delete their data.

Jdate sure can collect a lot of personal information about its users. First there's contact information, like your name, email, address, and phone number. Then there's what counts as "sensitive information" like -- excuse me? -- your "sexual preferences and experiences". It's not unheard of for sex-related data to make its way into privacy policies but "experiences"? That is a new one for us. There's also your race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religious affiliation, union memberships, biometric information, videos, "physical characteristics" and a lot more. Basically, all the information you give about yourself while you're on the app can be collected by Jdate, including whatever you add to your profile or send in messages. And when Jdate collects your photos and videos, they can collect extra information from the files (called metadata) -- like the time the photo was taken, where, and what day. They can also scan your content with third party services to "help identify your interests and activities—such as if your photo includes pets, sports or trips—and to help [them] provide better matches for you." Better think twice about uploading those flattering fishing photos then, if that's not a hobby you want used for matching.

On top of all that, there's some information collected automatically from your device. Mostly that's information about your device, but can include personal information like your IP address and even other apps that you've downloaded. Oh, and location data. Did we mention everything you do on Jdate? That's data too. Oy vey, there is more. Jdate can collect information about you from other sources -- like other people, social media, affiliates, and "third-party information providers". And they can use your personal information to make assumptions about you, called inferences. Jdate's privacy policy also says users can import their address book and can be notified when their contacts sign up for the services. That might be awkward if your Bubbe is on Jdate, uploads her address book, and then gets a notification that you've joined after you told her you don't want to be set up because you're definitely not looking to date right now.

Phew, that's a lot! The privacy policy even says that "[w]here you do not provide the personal data detailed in this Policy, we may not be able to provide you with the Services." OK so at least some of the time, giving up all that information isn't exactly "optional" either. What is it all for? Well, aside from matchmaking, Jdate can use personal information such as your gender, age, and "usage data" to "deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you" and to measure their effectiveness. That's not good. They can also share your personal information with their affiliates -- which includes all those other apps owned by Spark Network. They can also share personal data with "marketing and strategic business partners" if you're not a resident of California, where data privacy laws are much stronger. Hmm does that mean that kind of sharing could count as "selling"? We can't be sure.

When Jdate isn't giving your data away, we're worried it could be breached or hacked -- especially since we can't confirm whether they meet our Minimum Security Standards. Whether the app encrypts your personal data or manages security vulnerabilities is a mystery to us. Yikes! That all makes it especially frustrating that not all users are guaranteed the right to delete their personal data.

What could go wrong with Jdate? Since you can be matched based on things in your photos, Jdate might decide you're a sports fan because of that photo of you at a baseball game. When really, you were only there for those super yummy kosher hot dogs with your friends. Because Jdate can use that information (that you didn't consciously give them) for matching, you might find your matches full of jocks instead of fellow processed-meat-lovers like yourself! How tragic. Maybe it's best not to dismiss your relative's rolodex just yet.

Tips om uzelf te beschermen

- Follow JDate's Safety Tips.
- Visit the app's privacy preferences at the app and opt out from personalized advertising as well as all non-essential data collection.
- Request your data be deleted once you stop using the app. Simply deleting an app from your device usually does not erase your personal data nor does close your account.
- Do not give consent to constant geolocation tracking by the app. Better provide geolocation 'only when using the app'.
- Do not share sensitive data through the app.
- Do not give access to your photos and video or camera.
- Do not log in using third-party accounts.
- Do not connect to any third party via the app, or at least make sure that a third party employs decent privacy practices.
- Do not give consent for sharing of personal data for marketing and advertising.
- Choose a strong password! You may use a password control tool like 1Password, KeePass etc.
- Do not use social media plug-ins.
- Use your device privacy controls to limit access to your personal information via app (do not give access to your camera, microphone, images, location unless necessary).
- Keep your app regularly updated.
- Limit ad tracking via your device (eg on iPhone go to Privacy -> Advertising -> Limit ad tracking) and biggest ad networks (for Google, go to Google account and turn off ad personalization).
- When starting a sign-up, do not agree to tracking of your data if possible.

  • mobile

Kan het me bespioneren? informatie


Apparaat: Niet beschikbaar

App: Ja


Apparaat: Niet beschikbaar

App: Ja

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Apparaat: Niet beschikbaar

App: Ja

Wat is er nodig om u aan te melden?

Facebook and Apple sign-up available

Welke gegevens verzamelt het bedrijf?

Hoe gebruikt het bedrijf deze gegevens?

We ding this product because it shares personal data with third parties for their own marketing purposes, it combines the data collected on you with data collected from third-party information providers, and it may be selling your data if you are not a California resident.

Privacy policy

"Only applicable to non-California Residents: Select marketing and strategic business partners. We may share limited personal data with third parties with whom we have marketing, advertising or other relationships for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes, so that they can provide you with information and marketing messages about products or services that may interest you. These parties may use your information in accordance with their own privacy policies. Users who indicate that their location is in California are automatically opted-out of this type of sharing."

"However, as is common practice among companies that operate online, we permit third party advertising networks, social media companies and other third party businesses to collect personal information (including Internet/Network Information, Commercial Information, and Inferences) directly from your browser or device through cookies or tracking technologies when you visit or interact with our websites, use our apps or otherwise engage with us. These third parties use this information for the purposes of serving ads that are more relevant, for ad campaign measurement and analytics, and for fraud detection and reporting and they may sell that information to other businesses for advertising and other purposes."

"When you upload photos, videos or other content to the Services, we may collect information about the content, such as the time, date and place the photo or content was taken or uploaded (also known as metadata), and how you use them, who views them or with whom you share them. We may also scan, monitor, store and analyze the photos, videos and other content you provide to us using third party services for several purposes, including for anti-fraud purposes, for the assessment of whether the photos are consistent with our Terms of Use, to help identify your interests and activities—such as if your photo includes pets, sports or trips—and to help us provide better matches for you."

"When you have enabled the use of our Services through a third-party social networking site or mobile or other application such as Facebook, Google or Twitter (a “Social Networking Site”) or connect or link our Services to a Social Networking Site, you permit us to access and use certain information about you that is made available to us through or from that Social Networking Site."

"We also collect, use and share aggregated, deidentified and/or anonymous data (“Aggregated Data”) for any purpose. Examples include aggregated statistical or demographic data or data provided in hashed, non-human readable form. For example, we may aggregate your usage data on how you use the Services (“Usage Data”) to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but does not directly or indirectly identify you and therefore does not amount to personal data."

"If you log in to your account with us using multiple devices (for instance, your phone and laptop), we will link your devices to your account. This allows us to provide a seamless user experience to you. We also work with third parties to employ technologies, including the application of statistical modelling tools, which attempt to recognize you across multiple devices so that we understand how you use our Service across various devices, to ensure the safety and security of your data and the Company Services, to show you targeted advertising (with your consent) tailored to your interests and experience, and to measure the performance of advertising campaigns."

JDate shares the following categories of private information "to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you":
"(a) Device ID
(b) IP Address
(c) Location (at country, state, city, or postal code level)
(d) Gender
(e) Age
(f) Technical Data such as OS version, hardware type, software type.
(g) Cookies, pixels, or advertising tags
(h) Usage Data"

"Our Services allow you to share information about yourself with other individuals and other companies, including other users and potential users of the Services or other products or services offered by us and third-party Social Networking Sites. Consider your own privacy and personal safety when sharing your information with anyone, including information you share through your profile, as profiles include basic information that was provided at registration and information provided through a Social Networking Site and may include other information added by you or your friends (for example, your religion, ethnicity and physical characteristics), as well as information about your use of the Service (for example, whether you were recently logged in to our platform)."

"Advertising networks and technology companies, including Google, Facebook and Twitter, and companies that measure advertising performance and attribution. We share personal data with advertising networks or permit these networks to collect information from you directly on our websites to facilitate online advertising, such as search engines and social network advertising providers, to serve targeted ads to you or to groups of other users who share similar traits, such as likely commercial interests and demographics, on third-party platforms. For more information, including how to opt out of interest-based advertising, please read our Cookie Policy."

California residents

"Sources of personal information. We collect personal information about you from one or more of the following categories of sources:

Directly from you
Indirectly from you
Our business partners and affiliates (including service providers)
Third parties you direct to share information with us, such as third-party social networks
Social network services
Company Group
Your browser or device
Generated or derived from other personal information

Please note: In addition to the categories of sources identified above, we may collect information from publicly available sources and other third-party information providers in order to supplement the information we have otherwise collected."

" We collect personal information from and about you for a variety of purposes. For example, we use personal information to fulfill your requests, process your transactions and provide our Services to you; to communicate with you; for marketing and advertising purposes; to monitor, improve, and develop our products and Services; and to protect the security and integrity of our business, comply with legal requirements and obligations; for our business and operational purposes; and as otherwise permitted or required by law."

"We do not “sell” personal information, as that term is defined based on our understanding of the CCPA and its implementing regulations. Specifically, we do not sell personal information, such as your name, email, or other information that identifies you personally, to third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration. If we exchange personal information with third party partners for monetary or other valuable consideration in the future, we will take steps to avoid activities that could be considered a “sale” of California consumer personal information, such as by seeking consent or by excluding California residents from such promotions or activities."

"However, as is common practice among companies that operate online, we permit third party advertising networks, social media companies and other third party businesses to collect personal information (including Internet/Network Information, Commercial Information, and Inferences) directly from your browser or device through cookies or tracking technologies when you visit or interact with our websites, use our apps or otherwise engage with us. These third parties use this information for the purposes of serving ads that are more relevant, for ad campaign measurement and analytics, and for fraud detection and reporting and they may sell that information to other businesses for advertising and other purposes. By visiting www.privacyrights.info or www.opt out.privacyrights.info, you can opt out from sales of this type of personal information by businesses that participate in the opt out tool."

Hoe kunt u uw gegevens beheren?

We cannot confirm if all users regardless of location can get their data be deleted.


"As a California resident, you may be able to request to exercise the following rights:

The Right to Know any or all of the following information relating to your personal information we have collected and disclosed in the last 12 months, upon verification of your identity:
The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you;
The categories of personal information we have collected about you;
The categories of sources of the personal information;
The categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third parties for a business purpose, and the categories of recipients to whom this information was disclosed;
The categories of personal information we have sold and the categories of third parties to whom the information was sold; and
The business or commercial purposes for collecting or selling the personal information.
The Right to Request Deletion of personal information we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.
The Right to Opt Out of Personal Information Sales to third parties."

Privacy policy

"However, as is common practice among companies that operate online, we permit third party advertising networks, social media companies and other third party businesses to collect personal information (including Internet/Network Information, Commercial Information, and Inferences) directly from your browser or device through cookies or tracking technologies when you visit or interact with our websites, use our apps or otherwise engage with us. These third parties use this information for the purposes of serving ads that are more relevant, for ad campaign measurement and analytics, and for fraud detection and reporting and they may sell that information to other businesses for advertising and other purposes. By visiting www.privacyrights.info or www.opt out.privacyrights.info, you can opt out from sales of this type of personal information by businesses that participate in the opt out tool."

Hoe staat het bedrijf bekend als het gaat om het beschermen van gebruikersgegevens?


No known data breaches discovered in the last three years.

Privacyinformatie voor kinderen

"We restrict the use of our Services to individuals age 18 and above. We do not intentionally collect or maintain personal data from children under the age of 16. If you become aware that personal data about a person under 16 has been provided to us, please immediately contact us using the details below."

Kan dit product offline worden gebruikt?


Gebruikersvriendelijke privacy-informatie?


Koppelingen naar privacy-informatie

Voldoet dit product aan onze minimale beveiligingsnormen? informatie



Kan niet bepalen

We cannot confirm encryption at rest and in transit for this app.

Sterk wachtwoord




Beheert kwetsbaarheden

Kan niet bepalen



Gebruikt het product AI? informatie

Kan niet bepalen

Is deze AI onbetrouwbaar?

Kan niet bepalen

Wat voor soort beslissingen neemt de AI over u of voor u?

Is het bedrijf transparant over hoe de AI werkt?

Kan niet bepalen

Heeft de gebruiker controle over de AI-functies?

Kan niet bepalen

*Privacy niet inbegrepen

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