Sony WH-1000XM3

Sony WH-1000XM3

Beoardielingsdatum: Oct. 23, 2019


Mozilla seit

Minsken stimden op: In bytsje aaklik
What's this? Headphones that actually tout themselves as something that plays music and cancels sound? It's refreshing to see. Sony seems to focus on all things audio with these pricey, critically acclaimed wireless headphones. Sure, they still have Alexa and Google Assistant built-in. For the most part though, Sony keeps it all about what you hear--or don't hear--when put these things on. Sounds good.

Wat kin der barre as der wat misgiet?

We couldn't find too much that could go wrong with these wireless headphones. We suppose you might go and try to read their privacy policy, get lulled into boredom by the complex, legal language and fall asleep with the volume on your headphones up way too loud, causing hearing loss. Don't listen to you music so loud when reading privacy policies! And Sony, make your privacy information more accessible to consumers.
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Uses encryption for the Bluetooth.

Sterk wachtwurd

Net beskikber

The device pairs securely via Bluetooth, which does not require a password.



Does it get regular software/firmware updates?

Beheart kwetsberheden


Is there a system in place for managing security vulnerabilities?



Does it have a privacy policy?

Brûkt it produkt AI? ynformaasje

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*Privacy net ynbegrepen


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