Petnet SmartFeeder

Petnet SmartFeeder

Beoardielingsdatum: Oct. 23, 2019


Mozilla seit

Minsken stimden op: Wat aaklik
Boop. Boop. BOOP! If your cat likes to boop you in the face at 5am every morning because she's starving, this could be your salvation. This smart pet feeder let's you feed your pet the right amount at the right time, even if you're still in bed (or not even home). It alerts you though the app when your pet has been fed, so there's no chance falling for the old "I'm still starving" routine. It also connects with Alexa or Google Home to feed your cat on command. "Hey Google, have you fed Stumpy this morning?" "Meow!"

Wat kin der barre as der wat misgiet?

This product meets our Minimum Security Standards and doesn't sell your data to third-party businesses for advertising. We suppose it's always possible your pet could get really fat if you kids kept telling Alexa or Google Home to feed your pet over and over again. That'd be on you though.
  • mobile

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Apparaat: Nee

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Uses encryption in transit and at rest.

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