Mycroft Mark 1

Mycroft Mark 1

Beoardielingsdatum: Nov. 1, 2018


Mozilla seit

Minsken stimden op: In bytsje aaklik
This is not your average smart speaker. Not by a long shot. This smart speaker is 100% open source, meaning it is designed to be altered, modified, remixed, and improved any way you like. And even if you don't have the technical know-how to hack your smart speaker, the Mycroft Mark 1 is still your friend. The good folks at Mycroft place a high premium on privacy, security, and being good in the world. Go check them out!

Wat kin der barre as der wat misgiet?

Not much. Mycroft is a company building products the right way when it comes to privacy and security. They also show they care about consumers by having one of the easiest to read privacy policies we have in this guide.
  • mobile

Kin it my bespionearje? ynformaasje


Apparaat: Nee

App: Nee


Apparaat: Ja

App: Nee

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Apparaat: Nee

App: Nee

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Hoe brûkt it bedriuw dizze gegevens?

Hoe kinne jo jo gegevens beheare?

Hoe stiet it bedriuw bekend as it giet om it beskermjen fan brûkersgegevens?


Kin dit produkt offline brûkt wurde?

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Brûkersfreonlike privacyynformaasje?


Keppelingen nei privacy-ynformaasje

Foldocht dit produkt oan ús minimale befeiligingsnoarmen? ynformaasje




Sterk wachtwurd


There is no default password and users encouraged to create a unique password.



Yes. The user needs to opt in to automatic security updates.

Beheart kwetsberheden


The company has no bug bounty program, but their code is open source. From the company: "We encourage early public disclosure via our Github repos and the Issue process there so the community can react as a whole appropriately."



Brûkt it produkt AI? ynformaasje

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Is dizze AI ûnbetrouber?

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Hokker soarte fan besluten makket de AI oer jo of foar jo?

Is it bedriuw transparant oer hoe’t de AI wurket?

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Hat de brûker kontrôle oer de AI-funksjes?

Kin net bepale

*Privacy net ynbegrepen


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