Moleskine Smart Writing Set

Warskôging: *Privacy net ynbegrepen by dit produkt

Moleskine Smart Writing Set


Beoardielingsdatum: Nov. 2, 2020


Mozilla seit

Minsken stimden op: Superaaklik
Instantly digitized notes. Sounds like a dream for every person who still loves to take notes with pen and paper but also lives in the year 2020 and beyond. With this smart pen and paper set, you write notes on the paper and BOOM, like magic they appear on the screen in the Moleskine Notes app where you can then edit, transcribe, organize, and share. Handy dandy for note takers, list makers, doodlers, scribblers, jotters of ideas, and all the fabulous late night brainstormers of the world.

Wat kin der barre as der wat misgiet?

Every note you take, every word you make, they'll be watching you. Sing it with us now! Holy cow does this smart writing set come with *Privacy Not Included. First off, we can't determine if they meet our Minimum Security Standards, which is bad. Next, their privacy policy only covers their website, not the pen or the app you upload all your notes to. And maybe worst of all, while they say you can request your data be deleted, the "How to contact us" section of the privacy policy doesn't seem to exist. So good luck with that. All this seems pretty awful for a pen that can take everything you write down and upload it to an app where all those brilliant ideas, juicy gossip, and handy phone numbers would live online. There's nothing smart about that.
  • mobile

Kin it my bespionearje? ynformaasje


Apparaat: Ja

App: Nee


Apparaat: Nee

App: Ja

Folget lokaasje

Apparaat: Nee

App: Ja

Wat is der nedich om jo oan te melden?

Hokker gegevens sammelet it bedriuw?

Hoe brûkt it bedriuw dizze gegevens?

Unknown. Moleskine's privacy policy applies only to the website, not to the smart pen or app.

Hoe kinne jo jo gegevens beheare?

You can request that your data be deleted, but the "How to contact us" section of the privacy policy is missing.

Hoe stiet it bedriuw bekend as it giet om it beskermjen fan brûkersgegevens?


No known incidents in the last 2 years.

Kin dit produkt offline brûkt wurde?


Brûkersfreonlike privacyynformaasje?


Keppelingen nei privacy-ynformaasje

Foldocht dit produkt oan ús minimale befeiligingsnoarmen? ynformaasje



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Sterk wachtwurd

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Beheart kwetsberheden

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Moleskine doesn't have privacy information available about the smart pen or app. It also referred to a "How to contact us" section of the Privacy Policy which did not exist.

Brûkt it produkt AI? ynformaasje

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Is dizze AI ûnbetrouber?

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Hokker soarte fan besluten makket de AI oer jo of foar jo?

Is it bedriuw transparant oer hoe’t de AI wurket?

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Hat de brûker kontrôle oer de AI-funksjes?

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*Privacy net ynbegrepen


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