Huawei Band 3 Pro

Huawei Band 3 Pro

Beoardielingsdatum: Oct. 23, 2019


Mozilla seit

Minsken stimden op: Bot aaklik
Huawei wants you to "meet the wearable’s wearable." Which seems kinda weird, because why would a wearable need a wearable? Now that we've gone all meta, let's bring it back down to earth. Because the wearable can track you all around earth with its built-in GPS to "makes sure you know exactly where you are and how far you've gone." The Band 3 Pro also tracks the usuals--activity, heart rate, sleep--as well as helps you find your phone when it goes missing and helps you swim better. Perhaps the best reason to get this wearable? It claims to "Control Your Life with a Touch." I mean, who doesn't need to control their life with a touch?

Wat kin der barre as der wat misgiet?

This device tracks your location, heart rate, sleep patterns, stress and more. That's a lot of personal information gathered in one place. And Huawei says they may share your data with business affiliates who make predictions about your interests and target you with ads. That means it's possible you could go running in the same park everyday, Huawei could learn that data about you and share it with someone who will target you with ads for that brewery right near the park. You start going to the brewery instead of running and get fat.
  • mobile

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Apparaat: Nee

App: Ja


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App: Ja

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Apparaat: Ja

App: Ja

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Hoe stiet it bedriuw bekend as it giet om it beskermjen fan brûkersgegevens?


Kin dit produkt offline brûkt wurde?

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Foldocht dit produkt oan ús minimale befeiligingsnoarmen? ynformaasje




Encrypts data on the app and encrypts communications.

Sterk wachtwurd

Net beskikber

The device pairs securely via Bluetooth, which does not require a password.



Does it get regular software/firmware updates?

Beheart kwetsberheden


Is there a system in place for managing security vulnerabilities?



Does it have a privacy policy?

Brûkt it produkt AI? ynformaasje

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Is dizze AI ûnbetrouber?

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Hokker soarte fan besluten makket de AI oer jo of foar jo?

Is it bedriuw transparant oer hoe’t de AI wurket?

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Hat de brûker kontrôle oer de AI-funksjes?

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*Privacy net ynbegrepen

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