Abeba Birhane
Mozilla Senior Fellow Abeba Birhane conducted critical investigations into the biases of widely-used, influential AI training data sets. Her work brought global attention to the issue, and resulted in the shuttering of the 80 Million Tiny Images dataset for racist and misogynist content.
Odanga Madung
Mozilla Tech and Society Fellow Odanga Madung exposed a flourishing online disinformation industry in Kenya. His investigations compelled Twitter to improve its content moderation policies across East Africa.
Mozilla Africa Mradi In Real Life Awardee SameSame is building a virtual lifeline for LGBTQI+ youth in Africa. The project’s WhatsApp chatbot, trained in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions, helps young people struggling with their identity to fight depression and anxiety.
“In Event of Moon Disaster”
Mozilla Creative Media Awardee “In Event of Moon Disaster” deepened the public’s understanding of deepfakes. The short film won a coveted Emmy award, and has been screened at festivals and museums around the world.
Renee DiResta
Mozilla Senior Fellow Renee DiResta revolutionized our understanding of how conspiracy theories spread on social media. She has briefed senior U.S. congressional leaders on the threats of and solutions to online disinformation and published ground-breaking research.
Kiazi Bora
Mozilla Common Voice Awardee SEE Africa’s Kiazi Bora voice app teaches women in rural Tanzania how to grow and sell the orange sweet potato, boosting their nutrition, earning potential, and status as more equal members of society.
Code Carbon
Mozilla Technology Fund Awardee Code Carbon helped inform U.S. Senator Ed Markey’s bill to measure the environmental impacts of AI, and project lead Sasha Luccioni was cited in the bill’s press release.
Driver’s Seat Cooperative
Data Futures Lab Awardee Driver’s Seat Cooperative is transforming the gig economy through data. The cooperative — owned by rideshare and delivery drivers — allows members to share data with each other, building a shared knowledge about the work they do.
Embedded EthiCS
Students in Harvard University’s RCC-supported Embedded EthiCS program spend just as much time thinking about ethics and impacts as they do computer science. They ask questions like, What are the consequences of this technology for individuals and society?
Below, find insights and documentation from Mozilla's Fellowships and Awards programs — what we’re learning, how our community has grown, and how we’re exploring new approaches to philanthropy. We always welcome questions and feedback to [email protected]
Bolsas e Prêmios 5 de Junho de 2024
The Green Screen Coalition Announces its Catalyst Fund Cohort
The Green Screen Coalition recently announced the awardees for the Catalyst Fund, one of the first explicit attempts to invest in and support practitioners at the intersection of climate justice and digital rights.
Lisa Gutermuth
2023 and Beyond: A Look Back
This “look back" provides an narrative overview of the Mozilla Foundation’s work over the past year to provide funding and resources to advance a human-centered internet.
Mozilla Technology Fund Annual Impact Report: 2022 Bias and Transparency in AI
An impact report of The Mozilla Technology Fund's inaugural cohort.
Mozilla Fellowships and Awards Program Evaluation and Impact Narrative
An evaluation of the program’s strategy and impact from 2016 through mid-2020.
MOSS Program Impact Evaluation (2015-2020) Summary
Prepared by MOSS Staff in partnership with Simply Secure. This is an abbreviated version of the MOSS Evaluation findings, which has been prepared for members of the public.