Mario Kart Live Home Circuit

Mario Kart Live Home Circuit

WiFi Bluetooth

Data da avaliação: 8 de Novembro de 2021

A Mozilla investigou por 6 horas

Opinião da Mozilla

Votos das pessoas: Um pouco assustador

Mario Kart is super fun! Crushing your friends at the last minute before you cross the finish line, there's nothing better. Nintendo created Mario Kart Live Home Circuit so you can do a little real-life Mario Kart racing in your living room. Build a racing course in your house out of gates, blocks, pillows, stuffed animals or your little brother. Then use your Nintendo Switch to race a real life car around your house and on your Switch. Sounds super fun. There were some privacy questions raised when the game was launched about the cars taking picture and mapping your home. Nintendo promises they don't take detailed maps of users homes or process information about users' locations. Given Nintendo's pretty good track record around all things privacy, we'd say you're probably safe to trust them.

O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?

Last year after Nintendo released their mixed reality game Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit it raised some privacy concerns. The game uses a real-life car to play and that car drives around your home, mapping it and taking pictures. Privacy watchdog Access Now called on Nintendo to clearly state what data the game collects and how it will protect the privacy of gamers who play this game. Here is Nintendo's response to Access Now's privacy concerns: “Nintendo knows that privacy is very important to its customers and takes its responsibility to protect customer information seriously. Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit does not create detailed maps of users’ homes, nor does it collect or process information about a user’s location, home or surroundings. Any other reports that describe the technology as collecting this or similar information are incorrect.”

Nintendo does a pretty good job with privacy, security, and parental controls. They did have a data breach in 2020 where 300,000 accounts were compromised and attackers gained access to users personal information, including date of birth and email addresses.

It’s also good to be aware that while Nintendo doesn't sell your data to third parties, they do say they can share your data with some third parties for things such as advertising, which is pretty normal. They also say they may collect information about you from other sources, including sources that sell information. And if you log into your social media through your Nintendo, they say they may collect information from these third parties. Finally, some of the games you play on the Switch made by other companies might be collecting and sharing your data, so keep an eye on that. It’s always good to opt out of data sharing when you can. All in all, we’re not too worried about the privacy of Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, so race away.

Dicas para se proteger

  • mobile

Pode me bisbilhotar? informações


Dispositivo: Sim

Aplicativo: Não


Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Não

Rastreia localização

Dispositivo: Não

Aplicativo: Não

O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?

You need a Nintendo Switch to play the game

Que dados a empresa coleta?

Como a empresa usa esses dados?

Nintendo says it does not sell your personal information to third parties. When you play games offered through other companies on the platform, you may share your data with those third parties.

The game uses a real-life car to play and that car drives around your home, mapping it and taking pictures. Privacy watchdog Access Now has called on Nintendo to clearly state what data the game collects and how it will protect the privacy of gamers who play this game. Here is Nintendo's recent reponse to Access Now's privacy concerns: “Nintendo knows that privacy is very important to its customers and takes its responsibility to protect customer information seriously. Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit does not create detailed maps of users’ homes, nor does it collect or process information about a user’s location, home or surroundings. Any other reports that describe the technology as collecting this or similar information are incorrect.”

Como você pode controlar seus dados?

You can request that your data be deleted.

Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?

Precisa de melhorias

In April 2020, 300,000 Nintendo accounts were compromised in a data breach which granted the attackers access to users personal information, including date of birth and email addresses.

Este produto pode ser usado offline?


Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?


Links para informações de privacidade

Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança? informações




Senha forte


Atualizações de segurança


Gerencia vulnerabilidades


Política de privacidade


O produto usa inteligência artificial? informações


*Privacidade não incluída

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