Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Data da avaliação: 8 de Setembro de 2021

A Mozilla investigou por 8 horas

Opinião da Mozilla

Votos das pessoas: Razoavelmente assustador

Marco Polo is less a video call app and more a video sharing app. There are no real-time calls. Instead, users record and share videos (or texts or audio-only recordings)--called Polos--with people in their contacts. Record a video of you dancing with your dog. Upload it and leave it for your friend or family group. They'll hop on and view it when they have a moment and reply with a video of their own. Call, respond, Marco, Polo. Get it? Marco Polo has been around since 2014. Thanks to pandemic growth, some enthusiastic celebrity users like P!nk, Amy Poehler, and Ice T, and apparently the US state of Utah (which one report said has the app's biggest user base, who knew?), Marco Polo now has over ten million users worldwide.

O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?

Marco Polo seems to do an OK job protecting your privacy. It uses encryption in transit and at rest. It does not use stronger end-to-end encryption because they say they want to be able to retrieve those precious memories of yours stored on their servers if you happen to lose your phone. One thing that does worry us a little is how Marco Polo handles the deletion of those precious Polo videos. If you chose to delete your account, remember to delete all your Polos first, as it appears users aren’t able to delete these videos after you delete your account. And any Polos you don’t delete can remain accessible to other users. What's the worst that could happen? Well, we’d hate for that super embarrassing Polo you sent that one drunken night to remain available to dig up even after you delete your Marco Polo account. No one needs that stuff hanging around the internet forever.

  • mobile

Pode me bisbilhotar? informações


Dispositivo: Não aplicável

Aplicativo: Sim


Dispositivo: Não aplicável

Aplicativo: Sim

Rastreia localização

Dispositivo: Não aplicável

Aplicativo: Sim

O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?

Que dados a empresa coleta?

Como a empresa usa esses dados?

Marco Polo claims they don't use your personal information for ad targeting. The company shares your data with other users and third-party providers, though. The company claims that "Service Providers will have access to your Personal Information needed to perform their business functions, but may not use or share that Personal Information for purposes outside the scope of their functions related to the Service". Be careful: people that already have your phone number in their phone’s address book, may see your name, photo, mobile number, email, birth day and/or birth month.

Como você pode controlar seus dados?

Marco Polo says they can retain all your data indefinitely, unless you delete your account. If you delete your account, your personal information and any scrapbooks you recorded will be deleted plus you will be removed from any Marco Polo groups. The retention periods and retention methods are not provided. Even after you delete your account, your videos (Polos) will remain accessible to other users. Moreover, you can not delete any videos after deleting the account.

Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?


In the past, Marco Polo sent text message invitations from your phone to your top contacts without explicit permission. These invitations used your nickname from their contact list, thus personalising a message like "Hi bunny! Please download Marco Polo app, so that I can send you a video!"

Este produto pode ser usado offline?

Não aplicável

Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?


The privacy policy is written using overly abstract language, and it seems to hide the app's weaknesses behind legalese clauses.

Links para informações de privacidade

Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança? informações




No end-to-end encryption, but encryption at rest and in transit.

Senha forte

Não aplicável

There is no password requirement in Marco Polo. To sign up, an SMS authentication is used.

Atualizações de segurança


Marco Polo is updated weekly, and each update is annotated with what is new.

Gerencia vulnerabilidades


Vulnerabilities can be reported here

Política de privacidade


O produto usa inteligência artificial? informações

Não foi possível determinar

Esta inteligência artificial não é confiável?

Não foi possível determinar

Que tipo de decisões a inteligência artificial faz sobre você ou por você?

A empresa é transparente sobre como funciona a inteligência artificial?

Não foi possível determinar

O usuário tem controle sobre os recursos da inteligência artificial?

Não foi possível determinar

*Privacidade não incluída

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