This smart lock comes with a programmable keypad, works over Bluetooth to let you manage your smart lock when you’re in Bluetooth range (about 100 feet). You can also manage access codes and track when your door was locked and unlocked through the app.
O que pode acontecer se algo der errado?
Oh Kwikset, you don’t inspire confidence that you care about the privacy of your users. When we set out to find the privacy policy for this smart lock, we ended up in a frustrating scavenger hunt. The privacy policy on the Kwikset website clearly states it only covers “websites, social media pages, and emails.” Ok, let’s see what link the listing on the Google App store links to? It links to a Terms of Service doc that mentions a privacy policy and notice that takes you to the website www.goconcourse.com. Cool. Then you click on the privacy link on that webpage and it takes you back to the original Terms of Service doc. Super frustrating. Turns out, you have to dig deep into page 40 of their clunky Terms of Service document to find where they have a privacy policy that says it covers their products. Uhg! This is not how it should be done. A huge user-friendly privacy policy FAIL on Kwikset’s part.
When we were able to finally read their well hidden privacy policy, we learned they seem to do OK with how they collect and share their users’ personal information. They seem to not sell your personal information. And they say they don’t share your information with third-parties unless it is anonymized or aggregated. This is good, although it’s a good time to remind you that it’s been found to be pretty easy to de-anonymize some types of data and track down an individual’s patterns, especially with location data.
What’s the worst that could happen with Kwikset’s smart locks? Well, we fear you might try to find their privacy policy, go on an hours long search around the internet, end up extremely frustrated and decide to buy another smart lock. That’s what we would probably do. Do better Kwikset!
Dicas para se proteger
- Check out tips to ensure your smart lock safety
- Maintain a strong door
- Choose a secure access code
- Set up two-factor authentication
Pode me bisbilhotar?
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Sim
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Sim
Rastreia localização
Dispositivo: Não
Aplicativo: Sim
O que pode ser usado para se inscrever?
Conta de terceiros
Que dados a empresa coleta?
Name, address, email address, phone number.
Relacionado ao corpo
Como a empresa usa esses dados?
Como você pode controlar seus dados?
Qual é o histórico conhecido da empresa na proteção de dados dos usuários?
Evidence of Kwikset locks' vulnerability to hacks was in the news in 2016. Since then the company made an effort to improve its security.
Este produto pode ser usado offline?
Informações de privacidade fáceis de entender?
Privacy policy is hidden in the Terms and Conditions document, page 40.
Links para informações de privacidade
Este produto atende aos nossos padrões mínimos de segurança?
Senha forte
Atualizações de segurança
Gerencia vulnerabilidades
Política de privacidade
Esta inteligência artificial não é confiável?
Que tipo de decisões a inteligência artificial faz sobre você ou por você?
A empresa é transparente sobre como funciona a inteligência artificial?
O usuário tem controle sobre os recursos da inteligência artificial?
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