To unlock Eufy's Smart Lock Touch, all you have to do is it give the finger and use your fingerprint. Or use your Bluetooth connected phone to unlock the door when you're within 30 feet or so. You can also use the built-in keypad. Or even, gasp!, a physical key. Giving it the finger sounds like more fun. Are Bluetooth smart locks safe? Many security experts recommend against them as Bluetooth technology has shown to have some well-known security vulnerabilities.
Co się może stać, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak?
Eufy seems to do a good job with privacy and security. We like that they don't sell their consumer data. This lock operates over Bluetooth, so you need to be within about 30 feet to lock or unlock it using your phone. It also uses a fingerprint, which also seems safe. All in all it doesn't seem like there is too much to worry about with this smart lock. We've watched enough movies to know though, there's always a chance someone could chop your finger off and use it to get in your home. We really hope that never happens to you.
Czy może mnie podsłuchiwać?
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Nie
Śledzi położenie
Urządzenie: Nie
Aplikacja: Tak
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Name, email, phone number, address
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Jaka jest znana historia tej firmy w zakresie ochrony danych użytkowników?
No known incidents in the last 2 years.
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