If you've got $20 burning a hole in your pocket and have always wanted an HD, night vision, motion detecting, time-lapse, continuous recording video camera with two-way audio that meets our minimum security standards, well, here you go! This little camera really does seem to have it all--as long as you have a microSD card for recording. Baby cam, pet cam, security cam, surveillance cam, game cam, cam cam--whatever cam you want. It works with Alexa and Google Assistant too. Going all Big Brother has never been cheaper.
Wat kan er gebeuren als er iets misgaat?
It doesn't really matter if Wyze says they won't sell the personal information they collect on you with this cheap security cam if they don't do a good job of securing that personal information where they store it. In December 2019, Wyze databases holding millions of customers' information were exposed to the public. This is bad. Should you trust Wyze with your personal information? You can and you'll likely be OK. But if they don't step up and do a better job securing video from your home, email address, or even audio requests, some bad person could access that info and learn a whole lot about you. What's the worst that could happen? Getting spied on in your own home sounds pretty bad. Perhaps it's not likely to happen. It's also not out of the question.
Kan het me bespioneren?
Apparaat: Ja
App: Ja
Apparaat: Ja
App: Ja
Volgt locatie
Apparaat: Ja
App: Ja
Wat is er nodig om u aan te melden?
Account van derden
Welke gegevens verzamelt het bedrijf?
Name, email, password, birth year, gender
Voice recordings
Hoe gebruikt het bedrijf deze gegevens?
Hoe kunt u uw gegevens beheren?
Hoe staat het bedrijf bekend als het gaat om het beschermen van gebruikersgegevens?
In December 2019, Wyze databases holding millions of customers' information were exposed to the public.
Kan dit product offline worden gebruikt?
Gebruikersvriendelijke privacy-informatie?
Koppelingen naar privacy-informatie
Voldoet dit product aan onze minimale beveiligingsnormen?
The live video feed and other communications are encrypted between the camera and the server.
Sterk wachtwoord
Beheert kwetsbaarheden
You can submit security vulnerabilities to Wyze: https://wyze.com/security-report
The privacy statement mentions audio data, but there's no explanation of what is being collected and what happens to it.
Wyze's new AI person detection system became available in September 2020, but from October 6, 2020 customers will have to start a subscription to continue using the feature.
Is deze AI onbetrouwbaar?
Wat voor soort beslissingen neemt de AI over u of voor u?
Is het bedrijf transparant over hoe de AI werkt?
Heeft de gebruiker controle over de AI-functies?
Dieper duiken
Wyze camera data leak: How to secure your account right nowCNET
Wyze will try pay-what-you-want model for its AI-powered person detectionNick Statt
Wyze Cam subscriptions: What you need to know about October 9 service changeGear Brain
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