My institution does not identify with anything listed under ‘Who can apply’. Could I still apply?
The list included in the Call for Proposals is not intended as exhaustive. If you feel that the objectives of these awards align with your work, write to us [email protected] with the subject title :IRL Fund Criteria.
My institution is not legally registered. Can I still apply?
Yes. Unregistered organizations can apply as long as you have a legally registered fiscal host. If awarded, the grant agreement will include your fiscal host.
Can individuals apply for these grants?
We recognize that movement building includes the efforts of collective individuals. For these grants however our intention is to support institutional capacity as well as intersectional collaboration across institutional movement actors. As such these grants are not open to applications by individuals on their own behalf.
The focus of the proposed work is not in Kenya or South Africa, can i still apply?
Yes. The Nia (Path) grants are open to applications from any other African country. The only caveat is that the organization has a presence in the country and that the work is to be implemented in an African country.
What is General Operating Support?
General operating support grants (also known as core support funding, or core operating support) provide organizations with the funds they need to carry out their day-to-day work. These grants are self-directed by an organization and typically used to cover costs that are essential for an organization to function. General operating support grants may only be made to organizations that 1) have a charitable mission and focus; and 2) are aligned with the strategic aims of the Mozilla Foundation.
If invited to submit a full application, and thereafter awarded, organizations receiving general operating support will need to work with the Mozilla Foundation to obtain an equivalency determination certificate through NGO Source (at Mozilla Foundation's cost).
What is Project Support?
Project support grants provide organizations with the funds they need to develop and/or implement a distinct initiative/project. These grants are aimed at achieving specific goals and milestones that are related to that initiative/project and are agreed by the grantee and Mozilla Foundation.
In the case that two or more organizations are applying together under the Pamoja (Together) grant type, would they be eligible for a General Operating Support grant?
In this situation, we would encourage the organizations to submit an application for Project Support. General Operating Support grants must be structured to be for use by the discretion of the organization receiving the funds and therefore aren’t suitable for a multi-partner application.
Can Mozilla funds be used to support indirect costs of a project?
Yes, but not all applicants are eligible to include indirect costs. Please see Mozilla's Indirect Cost Policy for details.
I’m applying for a 15k Award, can I apply for core/general operating support?
Yes. When completing the application, you will have the option to select ‘General Operating Support’ (also known as core support or core operating support) or ‘Project Support.’ We encourage you to select the option that best matches your needs.
Is the call accessible in any other language besides English? Can I submit my application in a different language?
This particular call is available only in English. We will not at this time be able to translate or conduct the award process in any other languages. The applications will ultimately be judged based on their conceptual strength, not quality of language.
We have multiple projects that fit your criteria well. Would you consider multiple applications from the same organization? If so, would we use the same Fluxx account to submit them?
Yes, we will consider separate applications from the same organization/ network/ collaborative. You would, however, need to submit them separately on Fluxx.
Our projects are both collaborations with many organizations, but we are driving both and will spend the bulk of the funds. Our organization is only 1.5 years old and the grant criteria require us to be 3+ years old. Many partner organizations are much older than 3 years. How flexible are you on this criteria? Can we apply or should we ask a partner organization to serve as fiscal host?
It depends on the grant type you are applying for. If you are applying for the Pamoja or Nguvu grants, you may need to ask a partner organization to serve as a fiscal host. The Nia grants may have a bit more flexibility in that regard as long as your organization is registered.
Are there any guidelines regarding the letter of interest you require? Length, information to be included? Format?
Yes, there is a template that you will be guided through on Fluxx. You can also find character limits for each question in this downloadable application guide.
We are a social enterprise. Can we still apply?
It depends on your registration status. We recognize that not every country identifies with language inclusive of social enterprise as part of formalities. The eligibility criteria for this call require that your organization is a not for profit doing work on the continent.

Do you have a question we didn't answer here?
Email us at [email protected]