
Qualitative Measures

Aug. 5, 2024
Mehan Jayasuriya

Skreaun troch Mehan Jayasuriya

Shaping the Narrative

  • Topics: Our inaugural cohort covered a breadth of topics due to the broad nature of bias in AI technology. We explored tools to evaluate bias & discrimination in voice technology, verify geo-blocking of content and profiles on TikTok and YouTube, scrutinized TikTok's content moderation in Russia, uncovered TIkToks’ filter bubbles in user feeds and identified how sexism in humans and AI lead to bias functions in fiction.
  • Press: The work of our awardees was featured in publications such as NRC (Netherlands), The Washington Post, and The Financial Times. Through the press, our awardees were able to further influence the use of AI in real-world applications.
  • Collaborations: Our awardees collaborated with a broad range of actors, including universities, research organizations, design studios, festivals, and NGOs. They sparked conversations on a large scale by showcasing their outcomes in lectures, academic research papers and at conferences and festivals.
  • Leadership: Members of MTF teams were able to elevate their public profiles through being quoted in the press, speaking at conferences, showing work at museums, galleries and libraries and being highlighted at Mozilla events like MozFest House Amsterdam.
  • Ecosystem: While we did not see a huge downstream impact with our 2022 cohort, open source tooling built by 2022 projects was successfully leveraged by other open source projects, especially tools for scraping data from TikTok. MTF teams made upstream contributions to other open source projects as well.
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Project Impact