
Overall MTF Impact Statistics

Aug. 5, 2024
Mehan Jayasuriya

Skreaun troch Mehan Jayasuriya

2022 statistics

  • Total funding disbursed: $233,390 USD total awarded to five project teams
  • Team locations: France, Netherlands, U.K., Italy, South Africa, Japan
  • Note: During the first year of the program, the vast majority of applications received came from North America and Western Europe and this was reflected in the locations of our project teams. We believe that the funding focus (bias and transparency in AI) may have excluded some regions of the globe where AI-related topics didn’t resonate as strongly in 2021, when the call for proposals was issued.

Overall statistics (2022 - 2024)

  • Total funding disbursed: $1,133,390 USD total awarded to 23 project teams
  • Team locations: Netherlands, U.K., Italy, South Africa, Japan, U.S., Finland, Kenya, Uganda, Paraguay, India

2022 Project Statistics

  • Percentage of projects that reported an increase in contributors: 80%
  • Percentage of projects that reported an increase in inbound dependencies: 40%
  • Percentage of projects that reported adding new users: 80%
  • Percentage of projects that reported they had become more sustainable: 80%
  • Percentage of projects that reported building new infrastructure: 80%
  • Percentage of projects that reported conducting ongoing maintenance: 80%
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Qualitative Measures